So why are people so fucking judgmental about commuting? If this doesnt become a daily habit, this is a great way to spend extended time with friends. You can show off your leadership capabilities by snagging one of these positions at your college. Freshman year in the dorms is just so awesome, more freedom than you'll ever have in your life again. When you are on campus, you will have fewer transportation costs. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Please just let it melt. Hello, there! This is an easy and surefire way to get better involved in campus life and activities. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When commuting to college, you arent in control. The perks of living at home are better than ever. 24. I walk into my room, and find my room lightswitch broken, a bunch of random chairs all over . But, below is a list of seven unexpectedly inspirational women who have certainly made their mark on the world and have helped make HIStory HERstory. And I have some serious considerations for you to think about when deciding on your college living situation. Elvis Presley! Commuting just drains my energy in the morning and in the evening when I go home. I take the local train to get there, and I get to meet some fascinating people on there (and by fascinating, I mean idiotic). Pros of Commuting to College. You can decide that when you return to your home, you are off school, the same way that people are off work when they get home. Commuting to college means saving money. Scheduling your classes is always a struggle, whether you're a commuter or not, but believe me, it's a little more difficult when you commute. Unless you feel like you will really enjoy the college life, try and save some cash by staying at home instead. You have to discover comfortable areas to relax in and strike up conversation, which can be tough when you fear coming across as a pervert or former-homeschooler (same thing) . She teaches women to embrace their own natural beauty in the face of the societal pressures for perfection and conformity. You can also enhance your leadership skills. The College Board reported that living on campus at a public four-year university can increase your costs by $11,510 per year. 17. Explore the opportunities and services available to commuter students at the institution you are attending or considering, and make the most of your time at college. Most issues that make students miserable can be resolved with a little time and . The majority of college students are commuters. I don't know what made God or the Fates or whichever All-Powerful Being decide that we both should be so lucky to not only know each other, but to share so much of each others' lives by being best friends, but I know I will thank them until the end of my days. Frankly, I never cared much about the driving. Yes, it is true that it might require a bit more effort for commuter students than on-campus students, but it is far from impossible. Why I Do and Don't Like Being a Commuter. I enjoy driving, having time alone (I have 4 siblings) to listen to my music and just relax. in commuting to college. You should be over the moon to share a sign with him. Driving was fun. The positives are: I save a lot of money. Why Study in America? I wish you the happiest of birthdays and just know that I will be here to celebrate each year with you forever and ever. 1. Commuting means you are more likely to be late or miss opportunities that students living on campus may have. Before you make a decision, check out potential traffic problems and routes to school. Commuting as a student means you will be an expert by the time you have to commute for work. But when it does start to snow, here is what many of you might be thinking. 3. In a dorm room, at least for your first two years, youll likely have a roommate. When I get out any later than 3PM, I find that drivers arent too enthusiastic about the ride. This did not deter Malala, in fact it only strengthened her resolve and influence. If you have to take freeways to get to school, which I did, maybe allow an extra twenty minutes. Teachers and staff will often worry about commuter students if they are not motivated, they may be more likely to miss classes and feel less connected to professors, peers, and the school itself. Figure out why you don't like college. Williams scored a team-high 21 points against USF last time out, and he's up to 12.7 ppg. I enjoyed it at first for a couple reasons. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. East coast finally gets a snow storm it deserves. Truthfully, it does have its positive aspects, but being a commuter (specifically living with mom and dad) is a recipe for insanity. I assure you I'm reading them all even if I don't reply, Dorm for your first year then get an apartment near campus after. Oprah Winfrey! Although only 18, Malala has made tremendous waves not only in Pakistan, but the world at large. Meitner was an absolutely brilliant scientist, and collaborated on research at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute with Hahn. If you keep procrastinating your bedtime, you'll have more trouble getting up and will be less efficient in getting organized when it's time to get out the door. Lise Meitner was an Austrian physicist who, alongside chemist Otto Hahn, discovered Nuclear fission. Now if you lived off campus and split the cost of an apartment with a roommate, you might be able to have a lower monthly living cost compared to a dorm room, but this would depend on your circumstances. 2. The majority of college students are commuters. Thats not a great way to feel about your family. I commute via subway; it takes me about an hour each way. I didnt really have to make my own food. But your schedule may also revolve around traffic times youll be less free to create your own schedule if you are trying to avoid the roads for up to 4 hours a day. Living at had me allowed me to enjoy my bed and room, sit on the back porch, visit favorite malls, watch television, play with the catDownsides included getting on the bus and waiting downtown if cold for the transfer. When living on campus, this is nearly impossible to do because you are surrounded with school reminders. I can't be bothered to care sometimes. Theres no parking because of these damn snow piles. $5,000 Discover Student Loans Scholarship $50,000 ScholarshipOwl No Essay Scholarship If you must travel 20 minutes or more to get to campus, you might find that youre having to drag yourself out of bed and dreading class because of the awful commute. Boston College shot 51.8% from the field and recorded 28 rebounds in the win. There are much less uncertainties, and you likely wont get as much pre-college jitters, or struggle with a freshman adjustment phase. Oh snow When youre living on a school campus theres no need to check in with parents or get permission. Attend campus events. I know people who have had vastly different experiences as a commuting student. Living on campus can help offset those costs. Sat Mar 4 2023 - 05:00. Im covered in snow. The less time you spend on campus the harder it is getting to know people, obviously. As your best friend. If you didnt own a car, and have to pay for gas, car payment, parking, upkeep, registration, etc., you could save tons. Now, living in Blacksburg, we have plenty of cold winter days even when it isnt winter any more. If most students live on campus, you may feel left out compared to your peers. I'm a proud cougar at 52 - women hate me but I won't stop hunting college hunks. Through her struggles, Kahlo inspires us to create something meaningful out of the pain that we will inevitably face in life. However, try telling your professor for the fifth time that semester that you're going to be late again because of traffic (it's not going to work). Food is a tremendous factor. If you are choosing to stay at home or in your neighborhood, you will be staying in a place you are already comfortable in. HA not really; I'll probably sit in bed and watch Netflix all day. Whatever you decide, make sure you think of every angle before you make any decisions because you dont want to look back and regret it. (William Daigneault/Unsplash) For most American workers who commute, the trip to and from the office takes nearly one full hour a day - 26 minutes each way on average, with 7.7 percent of workers . Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. Or you already purchased season tickets to every football game at your parents alma matter? Theres a constant feeling of missing out when youre not surrounded by your peers at all times. 12. A snowflake just hit me in the eye. I remember in one of my classes, I told a guy that I commuted and his response was, "Do you ever feel like you're missing out?" This fall I'll be entering my sophomore year of college. In case you're considering commuting to college, here are some reasons NOT to. Negative aspect: It may seem like grades 13, 14,15 and 16. Keep snacks or drinks in your car for unexpectedly long commutes, or if you have to rush to class with no time to stop for food. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You might not have that option because of the university requirements, but if you do, it can be a tough decision. So what is the big deal? Any extra moment on campus means more time you can meet people and get to know your school. What Its Like To Parent Young Children While Battling UlcerativeColitis, 20 Questions To Ask Yourself To Help Decide The Right College ForYou, 30 Problems You Face In Your 20s That No One Prepared YouFor, Its Okay To Cry: Working From Home, Homeschooling, and Parenting DuringCovid-19, 7 Ways To Make Life After College SuckLess. For commuter students, online study is a great opportunity to study without having to travel to school. 22. We get snow when we arent supposed to and then dont get it when students are hoping for it. I wasn't lonely either and I didn't feel disconnected from campus life. Why is it so icy outside? Temple Grandin shows us that no matter what obstacles or hardships we face in life, we can still achieve both greatness and happiness through perseverance and dedication. Only you can decide. It does not store any personal data. P.S. : r/studentsph. . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There will be lots of people in the halls, late nights, and plenty of events in the residence halls. Commuting to college can be a great option for some, or not ideal for others. Your dorm roommate might have friends over often, and this could be overwhelming if you dont want to socialize all the time. She proves that women can both be well-dressed and feminine as well as strong and independent. Youll be able to take the carpool lane, save money, and make friends. I was starting to feel helpless and was not enjoying my commute to college at all. And youll be more likely to attend because youll know more people from campus and be invited more frequently. Thats no small number for commuter students to be saving! Commuting back and forth everyday requires a TON of time and effort. To use your commute to your advantage, you can use library rentals (or library apps) to listen to audiobooks and review course materials. Think about how you would spend your time commuting, or spend your extra time if you didnt have to commute to college. Kahlos art was influenced and sometimes a direct reflection of the painful experiences in her life. Ask the 63 80s horror films Ive watched within the last two weeks. If you choose to work on campus, youll easily be more involved in the ongoings of your school. Though we technically met in Kindergarten, we officially met at freshman orientation in high school. Youll have to treat this seriously because ir takes more effort than living in campus: go in the morning and spend the whole day there not just for classes but also office hours, lab report meetings, tutoring, review sessions (which are often scheduled in the 6-8pm), get involved in clubs, etc. Check out fun activities in your area, or in the direction of your area that you and your college friends can do together. However, she actively participated in the Dutch resistance. Whether you're more of a Miley or a Hannah, you hit the jackpot in the celebrity-zodiac-sign-twin lottery. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. 1. Commuting to college means saving money. It might not sound hard, but making yourself a priority is a challenge. Lastly, if your family has pets you get the opportunity to hold their cute asses every day. I take a lot of early morning classes and I usually need to be out of bed at 6AM in order to make it to an 8AM. And with my teaching and educational experience, I want to help students answer their most pressing questions. Before making an emotional decision to quit school, it's important to figure out why you don't like it in the first place.Once you know the reason(s) why you're not enjoying college, you can at least attempt to find a solution to gradually improve your college experience. I had a LOT of cash as a college student. I tried looking at on-campus events or activities to go to after my classes or I had lunch with friends from my classes a few times. Pisces are so talented they don't even need a last name. Meeting people and gaining friends. Here are a few reasons why you might hate college: It's stressful. I usually liked to take Uber on my way home because I was beat, but Ive had a few issues with Uber. If you take evening classes at a commuter college in order to work, you have the opportunity to get a headstart in gaining work experience in your career, compared to students who stayed on campus and focused all their energy on college-based activities. Hi! We see each other frequently and always have some new story (and a Spongebob reference or two). While I did spend plenty of time with my family, it wasn't because I was going to be going off to college in two months, but rather just because I live with them. I'm so proud that you share all of this with me and call me your friend, that you have invited me into your home and introduced me to your incredible boyfriend. They just sit there beside you when you have had a rough day and lean over to give you a little lick on the hand just to let you know they are there. Commuting back and forth everyday requires a TON of time and effort. Because of Temples disability, she faced many unique difficulties growing up. Is it even possible to not like her? Even while I was in college I would . Commuting to school opens your eyes to social opportunities outside of your college. I could build a snowman or something. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Maybe you already have an amazing home or an apartment in the center of everything you love and call home. The con is that your time spent commuting to school is less time you have to study, socialize or work. You don't think college defines your success. And the amenities that you are paying for with your tuition, you wont get to use those as often because of the distance. What are the best times to take classes? Truthfully, it does have its positive aspects, but being a commuter (specifically living with mom and dad) is a recipe for insanity. Frida Kahlo is one of the greatest painters and feminists of the modern era. I just wanted to know what is it like for people who commute. I have a graduate degree. Some just went to college for class and left right after and others stayed on campus, got involved in activities and meeting new people you can guess who had the better overall experience. Even if you hang around and socialize after class or attend parties, it wont be the same experience that students living on or around campus get. It is a place where you already know how to be successful and do well in school. Students spend years preparing for college and most assume social and academic success will come easily. never seen any of these teams play .but decided to make bets since I'm at work on the computet bored. Temple Grandin is arguably one of the most inspirational human beings to date. I also been seeing that they are loners and isolated from campus life. I was able to pay for most of my first year without anyones help. I would say "no thank you", however, I have been surviving life as a commuter for two years strong. College Life. Also, making friends in school was tougher - since I was living at home, it was easier to keep up my high school friendships. Taking an 8:30 was the WORST decision of my life. If you take the 405, maybe more? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 19. Living that far away will damage your school work and social life, promise. The temperature is in the negatives?! As to the commute, it wasnt a big deal for me. According to NCES, the National Center for Education Statistics, it is expected that on-campus students paying in-state tuition spend $11,000 per semester on room and board. I attended a college close to my home for my first two years. I even went to a couple of frat parties during the day and football games. This could be more or less expensive than room and board. Twitter/@jewishlivesmatter. we arent rich by any means, but it isnt always what you described. Even though I only lived about 9 miles away, it easily took 40+ minutes for me to make it to campus. Commuter students still pay for tuition and books, but their room and board fees can look a lot different. Wait, what were supposed to get another five inches tomorrow?! Just because you commute doesn't mean you can't be a part of campus life. What's your sign? This meant that I rarely if ever utilized office hours because they would always be during a time when I didnt have to be on-camps. Tuition, room and board, and books totaled together cost thousands upon thousands of dollars. In the face of terror and hatred, Malala acts with grace and courage. Kim K! of British Columbia please multiply everything by 2 , and I'm sorry :\. I wish we had dorms. Adele! I have a passion for education. You aren't stuck either way. You only get to experience college once, you might as well do it right. Over the course of four years, room and board would add $46,880 to $53,240 to your total education cost. According to, the cost of room and board in the United States for a university is between $9,395 $12,540. I am a commuter, meaning everyday I commute to and from school; I hate it. Im unable to even fathom the idea of staying horned up throughout a round of skeptical sex under my parents roof. Lastly, you can visit with professors more during their office hours to network and hopefully snag a letter of recommendation for later. Getting a job on campus would be very convenient if you lived on campus. 23. How does living at home affect your daily life? But living off campus means you may be more open and exposed to extracurriculars outside of campus activities. To be able to wake early enough to allow yourself extra time, you need to get to bed at a reasonable hour. This goes the same for any parties, by the time they end you're too tired to even walk to your car, let alone drive home. I never felt at all immersed in college life. Who wouldn't want to have something in common with her? If you can sing like her, too, it's a plus. I enjoy having two spheres of life - my school life and my home life as the stress of one doesnt easily carry over into the other. I would say no thank you, however, I have been surviving life as a commuter for two years strong. It beats paying over 10 grand annually to dorm but. What are you doing? OP, just stay on campus if you can. As you do it more and more you learn the shortcuts to avoid traffic. Really? I know I shouldn't care about what others think but these type of comments make me feel like they think less of me for commuting. Sounds like a tiny step above attending community college. This website contains affiliate links and we may earn a commission on your purchases. You will continue to be immersed in the same situations you always have been and wont absorb as much culture as on-campus students, meaning you wont get the full college experience if you are commuting to college. I wouldnt want to commute more than 30 minutes each way if it was me. You can earn an entire degree online too, such as with University of the People. Living at home means all the free stuff you were used to in high school gets to continue no need to include food, laundry, or bills in your student budget. Commuting to college is basically like taking online courses. AHH SNOW!!! Yet what sets Audrey apart from every other starlet is her work as a humanitarian and her inspiring personal story. I also didnt really make many friends. So, start crunching numbers to find out which one is right for you. We even lived as roommates for two (and a quarter) years. It will save you time and stress, and potential parking fines! If you are staying with family, you will likely pay much less (if anything at all). It is a very normal thing to do. Yea going to Baruch is a bit annoying because of the commute. I taught college students for about 15 years. But then again, I didn't have a choice in the matter. We sat at the same lunch table for four years. If you are able to save money now by living off campus, that means you might be able to buy a house earlier, go traveling, or invest in a business. There was a table in the Student Union at both schools where we all knew we could always find someone, so breaks between classes were fine. Seeing these type of comments online makes me question whether commuting was a great option for me. Any dog. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Get people over to your place or to someone else's place and play together - whether that's Just Dance, karaoke, board games, or D&D. 16. The two had not only become a scientific powerhouse, but also close friends. Is it really worth the money? You can do essentially whatever you want in a dorm, including worship the devil or wipe your bare ass on other human beings pillows. I have encountered other students who prefer more solitude and want to avoid the college lifestyle. 4. 40 minutes TIMES 2 = 80 minutes. You have to make plans to stay for clubs and activities. Copyright @ 2023 University of the People, How These 5 Incredibly Successful Women of Color Entrepreneurs Got Started. My love for dogs makes me do things like walk up to strangers on the street to pet their dog or cry uncontrollably when a dog dies in a movie. So my advice would be to enjoy being in your comfort zone and saving money by staying at home but also try to spread your wings a bit, get out there and meet new people, get involved in campus life and make the extra effort that can help to give you a full college experience. Idk if I could work, I don't really want to work while in college. I'll bundle up and go sledding! Your university might offer some online classes, or you can take accredited courses through other universities. I remember how senior year, you told me you were applying to one of the same schools as me. First of all, you are eligible for much less aid if you are living at home, so check thoroughly before you make a decision. Now We Realize We've Lost Something. If I were to do it over again, I wouldnt have wasted so much time. However, Otto Hahn and co-collaborator Fritz Strassman took all credit for the discovery and excluded her from the publication as well as subsequent accolades including the Nobel Prize. Before you decide to live at home, you need to think about the distance to your campus. 16. Dont be weird as shit, is what Im getting at. There was one girl that was also a commuter, but she managed to make the most of her time. Overall, as someone entering their last semester of college and as someone who has commuted the entire time, I had a very positive experience. We went to night events. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I enjoy being with my family a lot since were very small and close-knit. I have a quiz below that will ask you ten questions to figure out the best living situation for you. 5. She became a hugely successful and widely popular dancer. Furthermore, Frida challenged typical beauty standards through her art. But sometimes expectation and reality don't align. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Its not hard to be productive as a commuter student. But thats only if your parents or family dont charge you rent. Being a commuter strips us of these vital experiences. She is scared of everything. Yeah, I didn't go to every campus event that I wanted to go to due to my commuting schedule but I still went to a lot. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. But before you jump right on it, you should take the time to carefully think if its really worth your time and money commuting to college. Not being invested in college meant that for a long time, I didnt take it seriously. No. Try joining fitness classes at the school gym, or join an intramural sports team. I want to start by wishing you a happy birthday. If you have an opportunity to stay at home and commute to school, its definitely something you should consider. I know she's pretty controversial in terms of who likes her and who doesn't, but she is kind of famous for nothing (and also a millionaire) so that's pretty inspiring.