A13 Bulk packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. Shipments must be made by private, leased or contract carrier vehicles under exclusive use of the offeror. Transport in accordance with this special provision must be noted on the shipping paper. These provisions are multi-modal and apply to bulk and non-bulk packagings: 1 This material is poisonous by inhalation (see 171.8 of this subchapter) in Hazard Zone A (see 173.116(a) or 173.133(a) of this subchapter), and must be described as an inhalation hazard under the provisions of this subchapter. B54 Open-top, sift-proof rail cars are also authorized. The receptacle must contain no hazardous materials other than the liquid nitrogen which must be fully absorbed in a porous material in the receptacle. It must not freeze at temperatures above 15 C (5 F). IBCs must be packed in closed freight containers or a closed transport vehicle. Non-specification bulk bins are authorized. These provisions can be classified even further with each form of transportation. Lead-free Solder Figure 3: Engineer soldering a microcircuit Note, Tin here is the primary metal. The cylinder must be transported in a closed motor vehicle displaying FLAMMABLE GAS placards in accordance with subpart F of part 172 of this subchapter. (TOY CAPS) - HANDLE CAREFULLY OR TOY CAPS - HANDLE CAREFULLY; and. For UN 3176, this requirement only applies when the hazardous material reacts dangerously with water. TP13 Self-contained breathing apparatus must be provided when this hazardous material is transported by sea. (b) Description of codes for special provisions. Hazardous materials shipped under this entry are excepted from the labeling requirements of this subchapter unless offered for transportation or transported by aircraft and are not subject to the placarding requirements of subpart F of this part. The unintended errors are summarized below. (9) W codes. Net weight of contents in fiberboard boxes may not exceed 29 kg (64 pounds). There must be no hazardous effects outside the package such as disruption of the package, metal fragments or a receptacle which passes through the packaging. Please do not provide confidential Model rocket motors containing 30 grams or less propellant are classed as Division 1.4S and items containing more than 30 grams of propellant but not more than 62.5 grams of propellant are classed as Division 1.4C. N85 Packagings certified at the Packing Group I performance level may not be used. TP22 Lubricants for portable tank fittings (for example, gaskets, shut-off valves, flanges) must be oxygen compatible. Except when the liquids are fully absorbed in solid material contained in sealed bags, for single packagings, each packaging must correspond to a design type that has passed a leakproofness test at the Packing Group II level. guide. (2) A code containing the letter A refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation by aircraft. How to Read the Hazardous Materials Table user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent B133 Hydrochloric acid concentration not exceeding 38%, in Packing Group II, is authorized to be packaged in UN31H1 or UN31HH1 intermediate bulk containers when loaded in accordance with the requirements of 173.35(h) of this subchapter. b. (3) When no bottom openings are authorized, the alternative portable tank must not have bottom openings. 388 a. Lithium batteries containing both primary lithium metal cells and rechargeable lithium ion cells that are not designed to be externally charged, must meet the following conditions: i. For the purpose of this special provision, vehicles are self-propelled apparatus designed to carry one or more persons or goods. The means of protection must be approved by the approval agency designated to approve the portable tank in accordance with the procedures in part 107, subpart E, of this subchapter. Interior heating coils are not authorized. B136 Non-specification closed bulk bins are authorized. See UN1210, UN1263, UN1266, UN3066, UN3469, and UN3470. This particularly applies to corrosivity, permeability, softening, premature aging and embrittlement. Alcoholic beverages containing more than 24 percent but not more than 70 percent alcohol by volume must be transported as materials in Packing Group III. D. Class 5 materials When a special provision specifies packaging or packaging requirements -, (1) The special provision is in addition to the standard requirements for all packagings prescribed in 173.24 of this subchapter and any other applicable packaging requirements in subparts A and B of part 173 of this subchapter; and. The toy plastic or paper caps must be in the form of sheets, strips, rolls, or individual caps; b. The receptacles must be constructed with glass double walls having the space between the walls vacuum insulated and each receptacle must be transported in an outer packaging with sufficient cushioning and absorbent materials to protect the receptacle from damage. 111 Explosive substances of Division 1.1 Compatibility Group A (1.1A) are forbidden for transportation if dry or not desensitized, unless incorporated in a device. 58 Aqueous solutions of Division 5.1 inorganic solid nitrate substances are considered as not meeting the criteria of Division 5.1 if the concentration of the substances in solution at the minimum temperature encountered in transport is not greater than 80% of the saturation limit. These notes are explained at the end of each TABLE. These provisions apply only to non-bulk packagings: N3 Glass inner packagings are permitted in combination or composite packagings only if the hazardous material is free from hydrofluoric acid. The suitability for transport in tanks must be demonstrated using test 8(d) in Test Series 8 (see UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part 1, Sub-section 18.7) (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) or an alternative means approved by the Associate Administrator. "Published Edition". 102 The ends of the detonating cord must be tied fast so that the explosive cannot escape. TP40 The portable tank must not be transported when connected with spray application equipment. While columns 8 and 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table are used to determine authorized packaging for most HazMat (more on that in a little bit), some methods of transportation, HazMat quantities, and specific operations rely on other methods. Formulations not meeting these criteria must be transported under the provisions applicable to the appropriate entry in the Organic Peroxide Table in 173.225 of this subchapter. The provisions of this special provision will be effective until January 2, 2023, unless we terminate them earlier or extend them beyond that date by notice of a final rule in the Federal Register. TP3 The maximum degree of filling (in %) for solids transported above their melting points and for elevated temperature liquids shall be determined by the following: Where: df and dr are the mean densities of the liquid at the mean temperature of the liquid during filling and the maximum mean bulk temperature during transport respectively. 140 This material is regulated only when it meets the defining criteria for a hazardous substance or a marine pollutant. here. 120 The phlegmatized substance must be significantly less sensitive than dry PETN. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. (2) To the extent a special provision imposes limitations or additional requirements on the packaging provisions set forth in column 8 of the 172.101 table, packagings must conform to the requirements of the special provision. This document is available in the following developer friendly formats: Information and documentation can be found in our 156 Asbestos that is immersed or fixed in a natural or artificial binder material, such as cement, plastic, asphalt, resins or mineral ore, or contained in manufactured products is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. These special provisions are in addition to the standard packaging requirements. Formulations with low nitrocellulose contents and neither showing dangerous properties when tested for their ability to detonate, deflagrate or explode when heated under defined confinement by the appropriate test methods and criteria in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), nor classed as a Division 4.1 (flammable solid) when tested in accordance with the procedures specified in 173.124 of this subchapter (chips, if necessary, crushed and sieved to a particle size of less than 1.25 mm), are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. b. The total mass of lithium batteries contained in any package must not exceed the quantity limits in columns (9A) and (9B) for passenger aircraft or cargo aircraft, as applicable; b. TP38 Each portable tank must be insulated with an insulating material so that the overall thermal conductance at 15.5 C (60 F) is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per hour per square meter per degree Celsius (0.075 Btu per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit) temperature differential. B8 Packagings shall be made of nickel, stainless steel, or steel with nickel, stainless steel, lead or other suitable corrosion resistant metallic lining. Using the nominal capacitance (CN), rated voltage (UR) and the rated lower limit voltage (UL). Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. 367 For the purposes of documentation and package marking: a. 166 When transported in non-friable tablet form, calcium hypochlorite, dry, may be transported as a Packing Group III material. The proper shipping name Paint related material, corrosive, flammable may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, corrosive, flammable and Paint related material, corrosive, flammable in the same package; c. The proper shipping name Paint related material, flammable, corrosive may be used for consignments of packages containing Paint, flammable, corrosive and Paint related material, flammable, corrosive in the same package; and. Column 7 of the HMT specifies codes for special provisions applicable to packaging, packaging requirements, certification, and marking or labeling for a hazardous material. Do not enter until vapors have dissipated. The driver of the transport vehicle and the consignee(s) must be trained not to enter the transport vehicle until the ammonia vapors have dissipated, and the emergency response information on the shipping paper must indicate that the vehicle contains ammonia vapors. See 173.306(h) of this subchapter. N74 Packages consisting of tightly closed inner containers of glass, earthenware, metal or polyethylene, capacity not over 0.5 kg (1.1 pounds) securely cushioned and packed in outer wooden barrels or wooden or fiberboard boxes, not over 15 kg (33 pounds) net weight, are authorized and need not conform to the requirements of part 178 of this subchapter. TP9 A hazardous material assigned to special provision TP9 in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table may only be transported in a portable tank if approved by the Associate Administrator. If a fuel cell engine is installed in a vehicle, the vehicle must be described using Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered, as appropriate. Note that batteries utilizing different chemistries (i.e., those battery chemistries specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table) as well as dry batteries with a marked rating greater than 9-volt may not be combined with used or spent batteries in the same package. Specification 110A500W tanks must be stainless steel. 78 This entry may not be used to describe compressed air which contains more than 23.5 percent oxygen. Table I - Maximum Ambient Temperature - Gasoline. When phlegmatized with water and inorganic inert material, the content of urea nitrate must not exceed 75 percent by mass and the mixture should not be capable of being detonated by test 1(a)(i) or test 1(a)(ii) in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). A191 Notwithstanding the Division 6.1 subsidiary risk for this description, the toxic subsidiary risk label and the requirement to indicate the subsidiary risk on the shipping paper are not required for manufactured articles containing less than 5 kg (11 pounds) of mercury. Kits that are carried on board transport vehicles for first aid or operating purposes are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. What does the sign in column 1 of the hazardous materials Table mean c. Each glass inner packaging is protected by a means of preventing puncture of the plastic bag (e.g., sleeves or cushioning) in the event of damage to the packaging (e.g., by crushing). A189 Except where the defining criteria of another class or division are met, concentrations of formaldehyde solution: a. (1) Even though certain packagings are specified in this part, it is, nevertheless, the responsibility of the person offering a hazardous material for transportation to ensure that such packagings are compatible with their lading. Lead compounds which, when mixed in a ratio of 1:1,000 with 0.07 M (Molar concentration) hydrochloric acid and stirred for one hour at a temperature of 23 C 2 C, exhibit a solubility of 5% or less are not subject to the requirements of this subchapter unless they meet criteria as another hazard class or division. TP4 The maximum degree of filling for portable tanks must not exceed 90%. e. Transport in accordance with this special provision must be noted on the shipping paper. B16 The lading must be completely covered with nitrogen, inert gas or other inert materials. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR TP37 IM portable tanks are only authorized for the shipment of hydrogen peroxide solutions in water containing 72% or less hydrogen peroxide by weight. Search & Navigation 115 Boosters with detonator, detonator assemblies and boosters with detonators in which the total explosive charge per unit does not exceed 25 g, and which will not mass detonate and undergo only limited propagation in the shipping package may be assigned to 1.4B classification code. N91 The use of a non specification sift-proof, non-bulk, metal can with or without lid, or a non specification sift-proof, non-bulk fiber drum, with or without lid is authorized when transporting coal tar pitch compounds by motor vehicle or rail freight. Additionally, self-propelled vehicles or equipment that contain a fuel cell engine must be described using the entries Engine, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Engine, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, fuel cell, flammable liquid powered, as appropriate.
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