Swarms may be driven off by totally submerging oneself in water or other liquid, or by spraying with a fire extinguisher, pesticide, or other chemical (be aware that some sprays may have adverse effects upon the victims health). Avatars possessing a human form may present in any gender, sex, or race, and may change appearance at will, with Nyarlathotep taking a form most conducive when dealing with different humans. The cost of creating the Gate is 2 magic points, while the cost for anyone to use the Gate is 1 magic point and 1 Sanity point. This floating and un-melting iceberg has become known as Yikilth to the Old Ones followers. Otherwise, encounters will probably arise from interaction with Yu-mengtis worshippers, who use murder, bribery, and kidnapping as tools to further their schemes. From whence this Old One came is uncertain, but is thought to now dwell within the core of Zarr, a planet in another galaxy beyond our own. Within the text, Ossadagowah is described as the Star Demon that falls to the earth when called by evildoers to do their bidding and said to offer pacts in return for worship and blood. Passionate about fantasy, he creates worlds through his art, but also enjoys painting miniatures as a hobby. Note that anything touched by Cthugha may catch on fire; if an investigator, call for a Luck roll to determine if clothing and/or hair catch alight (causing 1D6 damage per round until put out). Consumption inflicts 1D4 damage, as well as the permanent loss of 10 points of CON and APP, per round; by the conclusion of the sixth round, all remaining hit points, CON, and APP are consumed and the victim is no more. One mysterious scholar, Diatab, who writes in the complexing and hard to find Arricurals of Passing, states that this deity does not exist the majority of the time and only comes into being according to some unknown cosmic timetable measurable only in deep time. Of course, a minority do hold the avatar in higher regard, making sacrifices and paying homage during storms to call out Death-Walker. Possible Blessings Eyeless: cultists of Zu-che-quon pluck out their own eyes in an act of fealty, with their god bestowing enhanced sensory faculties in return. In this respect, we may assume that Tawil atUmrs form (at least what may be discerned beneath its outer robes) may take on characteristics of its summoner, appearing human-like to humans, and so on. It is probable that many such human cults were interwoven, inspired by, or instigated by deep one contact. The accounts continue, stating that Ghizguth sank to the ocean floor and did not stir for 1,000 years, and, on waking, found itself trapped beneath mountains. If the POW roll is fumbled, the character becomes a slave to the avatar, following its orders to the point of self-destruction, with this control lasting for 1D6 days (the effect may be broken with a successful Hard POW roll, allowed once per day thereafter). with the entity showing many things within its many gleaming orbs. Beguiling Music: instead of inciting fear, the avatars music may charm those listening. The process costs Nyarlathotep 20 magic points plus one point per round it continues. Such individuals are permanently insane and are driven to seek out a community of gof nn hupadgh or else live in solitude in the wilderness. Indeed, the King in Yellows agenda seems to be quite clear: to establish Carcosa across all things, which, in a sense, mirrors the corruption and decay embodied (perhaps) by the Unspeakable One. If reduced to zero hit points, Qyth-az form is shattered into millions of pieces. The Keeper should decide what creature serves a specific Lesser Other God. It's not so much about the stats but about the cults, the history and the detailed descriptions. If the CON roll is failed, no magic points are recovered. At least one scholar has suggested the name is a metaphor for Nodens domain, a section of space wherein the entity resides, sending forth its mind as a thought-form to interact with life on other planets. It reforms in 1D100 days with the will of Hastur. 100 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult The Unspeakable One dwells near the star Aldebaran (in the constellation Taurus). Such individuals are alive in body only, their mind having been consumed by the Crawling Chaos. If reduced to zero hit points, Abhoth withdraws and sinks far away down into the earth where it is inaccessible to further damage. Learn more about the Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck here. Certainly, human scholars tend to use Earthbound notions, which probably mask or obscure the cosmic truth as to the composition and dimensional realities of beings such as Great Old Ones. Little is said of the outcome should such pieces of the Great Old One be allowed to congregate and form a new totality, but one can assume a most dire result. There remains debate as to whether this entity is a true Old One, however. What can be certain is that some form of grand altercation took place beyond human reason and comprehension, but its lasting effects still touch upon the universe and, unfortunately, our planet that seems so desirous to these cold and inhuman minds. If reduced to zero hit points, Hastur explodes in a disgusting spray of foul matter. Whatever the reasons, the effect of such localized Mythos force is not lost to knowledgeable observers, who see beneath the faade of day to day life and to the effect such influences have upon the local populace. HASTALK (Great Old One) Seemingly formless, its touch corrupts entire worlds. Immense entities beyond human understanding, and here portrayed through pain-staking research in vivid detail. Despite such a feat, the power of the Elder Gods is limited, and in time their Elder wards imprisoning the Old Ones will breakdown and cease to function. Sig: Oh, yes, you are Bangalore wallah too :-D. Entries for the monsters have been tweaked, edited, updated, and corrected. Such haunting melodies repeat in the minds of listeners long after the departure of this Outer God, driving many to madness. Add to Cart . Some may receive vague impressions they associate with folklore or other human-centered beliefs, while others see deeper and access a clearer Cthulhushaped message. In addition, Aforgomon is capable of moving at speeds beyond the comprehension of humanity. The Yellow Sign is connected to the King Yellow and a token of worship for He Who Is Not To Be Named. Armor 18-point tough scales and hide. In this regard, Hastalk is a dormant agent waiting to be called to action. Working and corrupting from within, these Shub-Niggurath cultists used their positions to effectively create and operate a secretive inner-cult where they could worship in undiluted fashion. Even a large candle held aloft inflicts one point of damage for each round it is within 50 feet (15 m) of the flame. Easily access media-rich flipbooks on iPhone, iPad, Android phones, and tablets. Cult: Children of the Wood The form of the Green Man has been known to humans for centuries, where the figure has been worshiped as a nature or fertility god and subject to a large amount of folklore (whether this form was originally a manifestation 147 Below: Nyarlathotep's human-seeming avatars Cult: Order of the Bloated Woman the cult was formed in England by Sir Aubrey Penhew, with ties to al-Shakti; however, in recent times, Sir Aubrey passed control to Edward Gavigan, a man disliked by al-Shakti. Any CON or APP loss is permanent, although may be partially regained via magic or particularly advanced or efficient medical care. Sudden thunder and lightning, signifying something bad just happened, with the individual cursed with misfortune for the next 24 hours (a penalty die imposed on all skill, characteristic, Luck, and Sanity rolls), plus, during this period, others regard the individual concerned with some level of repulsion (an undefinable quality that simply repels others). Scott has loved dinosaurs and monsters since childhood, and some 50-odd years later not much has changed. earthly gods or religions). But I just need a class with Soulknife, Battlemind, and Psion (caster) subclasses.. Malleus Monstrorum is Scotts Call of Cthulhu opus and remains to this day his most beloved work. Other names: Choron, Choronzon, Korzin, the Voice. In addition, the Skinless One bestowed magical gifts and powerful spells, which Sedefkar taught to others and which later helped to form the Brotherhood of the Skinless One. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (engulf ) Engulfs target, who suffers 6D6 damage by electrocution; victim must succeed with combined CON and POW roll or dies from heart failure. The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - Fantasy Grounds Website (Avatar) Watson described it like a vision that appeared on the screen but somehow overlaid on top of the regular image. Powers Prophecy: can provide accurate insights into the future; sometimes, Han will ask if the recipient is willing to give something for the information (their worship, an action of some nature, an object), while at others the message is free. Cat Form: able to transform into a cat (costing 5 or more magic points); some may change into a hybrid human-cat like beast (with increased hit points, claw attacks, and so on). Finishing the Malleus Monstronum Penance in Warhammer 40k Darktide requires you to play the Psyker on Heresy difficulty and deal 90% damage on a Monstrosity using Brain Burst. While seemingly trapped in dream, the entity appears to be able to temporarily manifest physically in the Waking World. Certainly, Lilith appears to understand and see the appeal in revenge as a motivating factor in its designs. Encounters with Yig are likely to convey a sense of ancient wisdom combined with a deep loathing for something quite alien and unhuman. Cult A lesser number of Hastur cults place the Amber Elder at the core of their devotion, with such groups tending to be seekers of cosmic wisdom with a more insular outlook than others. For some, it is a Lesser Old One, for others a lesser unique being that dwells upon Earth but rarely wakes. Tulzschas flames are cold, causing the temperature to drop and breath to fog. Some may grow into Outer Gods or unique beings over time. The embrace is powerful, although the victim may attempt to wriggle free with a STR or DEX roll at Extreme difficulty. The heavens are rent by its passing. Mystery surrounds one particularly large statute, which, if accounts are to be believed, is said to have come to life while housed in a museum. Other names: Demon-Bird, Rott-Ukka. malleus monstrorum 7th edition the trove 28d79c4b43 A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. Powers Obscure Mist: those who enter the fog surrounding Cythulos (roughly an area of 1 mile (1.6 km) squared) find their vision is impaired, with one penalty die imposed on any sight-based skills (e.g. In all respects, Mgulelocs insatiable hunger drives it to consume and feast on anything in its presence. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 1D6+1D6 Clutch (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 1D4+1 (see above) Fighting Tendril pull (mnvr) Bite Armor None. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GHATANOTHOA STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 700 Hit Points: 110 Damage Bonus (DB): +13D6 Build: 14 Move: 6 Ghatanothoa, the hidden god Sanity Loss: 1D10/1D100 Sanity points. Be careful. The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or DEX roll. Indeed, do these beings still live and exist? Note, this power is separate to and unaffected by the Resurrection spell. Its mysterious nature tends to perplex those who encounter it. STR 125 CON 625 SIZ 125 DEX 70 Hit Points: 75 Damage Bonus (DB): +2D6 Build: 3 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (kick, punch, bite) or 1 (crush) May kick, punch, or use the mouths in its palms to bite. The follower is taken by the Old One and dipped in liquid metal (presumably, the people of Saturn are either immune to the danger of molten metal or their gods power makes them immune), which forms a hard yet supple crust over the skin. The victim may attempt to escape with an Extreme STR or DEX roll. Theoretically, if the power to destroy a planet was directed at Ghroth it could conceivably damage or kill this entity, causing it to shatter in an explosion of rock, iron, dust, and other materials (which on their own may cause large-scale planetary devastation). Foresight of events to come: awards two bonus dice that can be used singly or together to affect any future roll. Whether the texts are to be believed is another matter entirely, and most fear that such rituals are no more than traps for the unwary. No arms did it possess and, instead, two long tentacles dangled and waved, emerging from its fat neck upon which sat a misshaped head with a crooked mouth full of fangs. Since then, no reliable claims have come forth to suggest a reemergence of YeggHa, although the Concordance of Higher Elements by Hestia Locksby (and, possibly confirmed by certain dreamers) states that Yegg-Has shadow is alive and well in the Dreamlands. Unfortunately, these servants seem to, eventually, fall prey to a condition described as the Green Decay, which causes them to dissolve into foul puddles of liquid matter. The following vocalizations are the way Chaosium says them. Consequently, in view of this and its known history, Zathogs animosity toward the Elder Gods is fierce. Clothing is burned through in one round, while equipment and mundane weapons may be affected with rapid corrosion rendering them useless (the Keeper may call for a Luck roll to determine if a particular item is affected); enchanted weapons may be resistant. Check out our free conversion guide here. For some, it may have been the discovery of old tomes that spoke of the Old Gods and their powers, while others might have looked to the skies or under the earth and found signs, relics, or messages that corrupted their minds. Cult: Red Daughters The Queen in Red is thought to be the embodiment of chaos and destruction, who turns up from nowhere and sets hearts and pulses racing. Direct encounters with Yog-Sothoth are, thankfully, rare, yet such occasions are often disastrous for those involved and, unfortunately, for those in proximity also. While most scholars claim it never leaves Azathoths Court, a few have claimed to have discovered evidence suggesting that, from time to time, it may temporarily take leave to manifest elsewhere in the cosmos. Thus, it does appear unnatural but can (in theory) disguise itself with outer clothing/materials. With new illustrations throughout by master artist Loc Muzy, the many horrors of the Mythos are brought to stunning life. Wherever she arrives, she quickly rises in power and authority through charm, seduction, lies, gifts of power or knowledge, murder, or whatever it takes. MEDALLIONS OF ITHAQUA Certain lore suggests there are a number of potent artifacts created by Ithaqua in times past. In earlier times, such as the Stone Age, humanity may have prayed to such earth gods and offered sacrifices as a means to avoid destruction by predatory chthonians, although signs of such worship are particularly rare. At times, these horrendous creatures emerge to partake in a mass-consumption that lays waste to remote communities. This song can carry a great distance above or below the water. Learn more about the Malleus Monstrorum Keeper Deck here. Snake Form: the cultist may transform fully or partially into a snake; thus, gaining venomous fangs, and so on. We see this quest for magical lore replicated by a handful of sorcerers working in isolation, who endeavor to divine wisdom and power through contact with this Outer God. Possible Blessings Hand of Sickness: grants an individual immunity to disease while also making them carriers for all manner of earthly and alien sickness, able to infect others and incite epidemics. Regenerates 1 hit point per magic point spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Armor 22-point rubbery and sinuous flesh. How intelligent is a Mythos god? Apparently plastic, this strange city of dreams and Cult On Earth, cults of the King in Yellow tend to be small clusters of like-minded people or individuals who possess above-average intelligence. Being touched by Cthulhus dreams causes humans to act in diverse ways. The deep ones worship Leviathan, holding rituals that are designed to calm its destructive qualities, or at least keep them in relative check. For some, these two entities are the flip-sides of the same coin, ever struggling for supremacy and control. Such creatures either manifest with the Lesser Other God or are summoned as needed. Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Those who survive, emerge from Hans mist having aged 1D10 years per 5 points of POW lost (such drained POW is gone forever). While some suggest a shared heritage, with the race birthed by Lloigor, others claim the names are simply similar and, to the human ear, sound the same yet are actually different. Regenerates 1D10 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). Magic is the only effective means to dispel, limit, or kill portions of Hastalk; such eventualities are the consideration of the Keeper. Keeper of the Moon-Lens Powers Transform: those eaten by the avatar may be transformed into a gof nn hupadgh and released, most likely near to the grey cone rock hidden the woods surrounding Goatswood. Veteran Keepers and Cthulhu Mythos fans may herein find a surprise or two. Indeed, it would seem appropriate for Yumengtis shape to appear attractive to human eyes, or at least powerful and appealing. Prediction: able to predict likely future events in the next 24 hours or more (costing 10 magic points) and act accordingly. These unnamed entities are collectively known as the Lesser Elder Gods are believed to be unformed or immature Elder beings, although some regard them as Elder Gods in their own right, proposing that these seemingly formless beings exist outside of our reality and have no defined form when venturing into our dimension. For, Trunembra calls the tune. The link works over any distance and causes the carer to forsake their life in the protection of Eihorts brood. This conditioning may be a result of the strange pheromones exuded by the deity into the air, STR 225 CON 210 SIZ 140* DEX 100 *SIZ: may decrease to SIZ 90 if appearing in semi-human guise. Its head, more like a great glob of flesh, was featureless except for a great fanged mouth beneath a cyclopean eye. For some, Carcosa lies upon the shores of Lake Hali in another time and place, while others speak of it standing upon an alien planet hidden in Aldebaran. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Curse of Chaugnar Faugn, Summon/Bind Brother of Chaugnar Faugn, others as the Keeper desires. Rather than acting as a conduit for the corruption of Carcosa to spread, this avatar seems to act as a herald or voice of the Unspeakable One, appearing to foretell of calamitous events or pass on cosmic wisdom to the chosen. If, however, you are using Pinnacle's Savage Worlds Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] Uploader: Dusho. OTHERGREAT ONES While not used as a classification in this book, the term Great Ones is often used to describe gods of the Dreamlands and/ or those who may have some close and specific association with the planet Earth. While trees and plants can uproot and move, such locomotion is slow; thus, plants cannot chase a person. Alternatively, perhaps the Great Old One is using the ghouls for some other purpose, as yet unclear; possibly, as a means to access the Earths Dreamlands or establish some army of ghouls in a bid to expand its domain. Behind the facade of majesty, wonder, and illumination is the gnawing sense of things coming undone and of rot eating from within. The horrific cats from Saturn and Uranus appear to fall outside this remit and seem to be allied with other beings or independent actors in the cosmic scheme. If true, such worm-folk may be encountered wherever humanity has dealings with Shudde Mell and its minions. In the main, though, it would seem that with the Old Ones extended period of hibernation such cults as they were have either dwindled or faded out of existence. Encounters Those traveling in the subarctic and arctic regions may find themselves witnesses to the outbreak of Death-Walker. Cult leaders tend to prey on the weak and disenfranchised, offering them salvation through sacrifice and a mask of hope and enlightenment. Likewise, such progeny is notably common among those mi-go who have taken an active interest in Idh-yaa, with those affected first compelled to consume great amounts of strange matter (such as rocks, metals, crystals, and the like), which presumably partially act as the material from which such creations are formed. In either case, scientific dating would indicate that Yig came to Earth around the Cretaceous era, some 250 to 100 million years ago, if such scales can be relied upon. Dream Talk: rather than physically manifest, Lilith may enter and affect the dreams of humans, effectively hijacking a persons dream and refashioning it to the Old Ones design. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CXAXUKLUTH STR 1,000 CON 700 SIZ 1,500 DEX 80 Hit Points: 200 Damage Bonus (DB): 30D6 Build: 31 Move: 25 Possible Blessings Grant Pain: touch causes flesh to melt (costing 4 magic points per round), dealing 1D4+1 damage per round (halved with successful CON roll). I do not claim that I have found all of the answers, and many paths have led to dead ends or trailed off into quarters I have feared to tread. Encounters CON 250 SIZ 300 DEX 100 Hit Points: 55 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 Build: 7 Move: 10 / 15 swimming Combat Attacks per round: 2 (strike, claw, bite, stomp, crush) May strike out with kicking, clawing, punching, stamping, and so on, in addition to using their tentacles and body mass to bash and crush. Other names: Lilit, Night Queen, Qallit-ur, Queen of Lies. Magic POW: 200 Magic Points: 40 Spells: any spell concerning or featuring fire; the Keeper should revise any spell they feel necessary to be a fire-based variant. CON 275 SIZ 175 DEX 60 Hit Points: 45 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 8 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (bite, gore) or 1 (trample) May use its mouths to bite and tusks to gore and tear up to twice per round, or may charge and trample once per round. In the main, however, most are likely to encounter its worshippers, who appear to work tirelessly to promote their despicable creed, using temptation and blackmail to advance their schemes and recruit others. Download Malleus Monstrorum: Creatures, Gods, & Forbidden . I cannot describe whether it possessed a nose, mouth, or anything one could find cognizant, so different and yet so familiar was its aspect. . 11. The avatar may intensify the magnitude of the earth tremors by one level on the Richter Scale (from Moderate to Strong, then Major, then Great, then Meteoric) by expending 20 magic points per level increased. Thus, use the physical information provided as an inspirational tool. The aura surrounding this entity is just as disgusting as its physicality. Think of this as the human mind trying to make sense of an alien thoughtform. Swallow: instead of biting (3D6 damage), it may swallow a single target whole, holding them in the jelly mass of its head until a later time to be eaten (dead) or transformed (see above). Cult Powers Telepathy: may mentally communicate with any intelligent lifeform; the voice heard is like that of raging fire or swirling water. Call of Cthulhu - Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - AnyFlip All seem to comply with the notion that these entities are perpetually joined together, unable to separate until their decreed time. No ratings or reviews . Fighting Trample Possible Blessings Hog Form: able to physically transform into a hog-like creature (see Wild Boar for profile). Possible Blessings Linked: followers who have tasted of the flesh of Yidhra (one of the more distasteful rites of such cults) become linked to their god. The area of maximum effect is 400 yards/meters, with each 400 yards/meters decreasing in devastation proportionally. The visions began around two hours later. Some of the well-known creatures don't have illustrations and some illustrated in the Keeper Rulebook are not illustrated in this set. Mental Confusion: able to cause others to become temporarily disorientated for 1D6+1 rounds (costing 5 magic points, and success with an opposed POW roll), causing a penalty die to skill rolls, and decreasing DEX by 40 points when used to determine combat initiative. Beyond reason lies Aztot, a bubbling black sun of fearsome intensity, casting out tendrils of malice and destruction, whose hunger knows no bounds. Opposite: Nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos Powers Spawn: births horrible creatures (pliable black wads with drooling mouths and numerous mismatched claw or tentaclelike limbs) at will. Knowledge: of things past, present, and future. For some, Nyarlathotep is the active consciousness of the Outer Gods, their will made manifest, while for others this Crawling Chaos is the sole Outer God possessing a form of personality that is, to some degree, understandable to humanity. A number of scholars believe it does manifest elsewhere, citing conversations held with certain brains tended to by the migo, which suggests this avatar appears on worlds inhabited by the Fungi from Yuggoth. Enhanced Appearance: the blessing reshapes the followers face and form, increasing APP to 80+1D10 points. Those who successfully resist the howl still suffer the loss of 1 Sanity point and have a penalty die imposed on all hearing-related skills for 1D10 rounds. Encounters Fthaggua may come in place of Cthugha when summoned or may arrive as that Old Ones attendant. Cult Organized human cults dedicated to Tulzscha are rare, with a few groups working secretly to perform ceremonies and summons in the hope of gaining blessings and knowledge. Among devoted cultists, death is not considered a bad thing, but rather something to embrace, a journey through which they will ultimately change. Are the Elder Gods unique entities? It reforms in 1D100+500 days. Despite such cataclysmic concerns, some hold that the laws of our universe are like rubber, able to reshape and withstand the appearance of this Outer God, and that Azathoths presence acts to regulate such cosmic occurrences. Eihort, master of the labyrinth Sanity Loss: 1D6/1D20 Sanity points. Crush: due to its SIZ, the avatar may target up to four people at a time (assuming they are close to one another), lunging and throwing itself on top of them. Experiencing the lifting of veils provokes a Sanity roll (1D10/1D100 loss), and the loss of 1D6 Sanity points per day thereafter. Try to build in some agency for the players, even if its ultimately an unwinnable fight, letting them see the error of their ways with a few blows that only maim rather than kill, and giving them the chance to run away before they are all eaten. Sold by: Gumnut (136 ratings) 97% positive over last 12 months. Presumably, this Great Old Ones elder prison was destroyed by Ghroth or its lesser standing meant it had escaped the attention of the Elder Gods in millennia past but was later captured by the shan. The Sphinxs face, placed there in later years by the Pharaoh Khafre, cracks and falls away, revealing a black, oval void in which can be seen whirling suns and galaxies. Eventually, these unfortunate souls lose their Sanity and become murderous abominations. CON 350 SIZ 230 DEX 90 Hit Points: 58 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 8 / 20 swimming Combat Attacks per round: 4 (rend, tear, entwine, grasp) Attacks with up to four of its tendrils per round, using its pincers to rend and tear or its limbs to entwine and crush. So you want to purchase the physical version, but really want to get your hands on Some sub-sects of the cult are believed to have become solely focused on Zoth-Ommog, a being they see as the heir to Cthulhu, and a more tangible and real presence in the world. Such conversations are not verbal and rely on the cultists divining the movement and actions of the summoned flame creatures; thus, the meaning is a human interpretation and may at times be more aligned to the high priests or priestesses agenda. the bodies of those present, with some seemingly becoming frozen yet able to speak. Glaaki can attempt a dreampull once per night, for as many nights as desired. Ossadagowah) is the Toad Gods spawn. That many of these references feature a multi-headed creature most likely compares to Cthulhus numerous face tentacles, each of great size, and which could be mistaken for heads. During such dreams, the victim behaves strangely, falling into a coma-like state and often grunting or squealing like a hog. Confuse Mind: mentally imparts complex mathematical patterns, causing confusion in another person, who becomes distracted (penalty die to skill rolls) for 1D4+1 rounds. Behold the living flame! While the answers to such questions remain elusive, scholars continue to wonder at the power of those able to fashion the natural order of planets to their will. Immune to mundane weapon (incl. 60 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult This entity is said to be revered by some isolated communities in Polynesia, Hawaii, and along the coastal regions of the Arctic, who refer to the deity with a variety of names, usually transformed into local dialect though associated myths. Occasionally, a lone astronomer may peer too long, gazing into Jupiters Red Spot, perhaps causing them to see something no human should seewith dire consequences for that person. Note: the Elder Gods were not a Lovecraftian convention; later writers (such as August Derleth) coined the term and some consider these beings to be a poorly judged addition to the Mythos, as they are sometimes portrayed aligned with the concepts of good and evilterms that have little or no meaning when considering the actions, purpose, and ideologies of cosmic alien gods.
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