Christy Torre - Dispute Resolution Supervisor Customer Services You need covenant connection on this new path and nothing elselet that be your standard. She covers him with her blanket and then, in a swift move of striking courage, she grabs a tent peg and a hammer and drives the peg, like a nail, through Siseras forehead, and into the ground. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. But Im aware that part of this process means we have to be ok with God turning over the tables we have built, turning our lives upside down, and building us from the ground up.. We are in a reformational season and a redefining hour in the church and its all hands on deck! Who else is feeling this? And David said to his servants, Is the child dead? They said, He is dead., Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. Then Athaliah tore her robes and shouted, 'Treason! Lets not allow this distraction to bait us. The last few days have been incredibly sad for a young family who are part of Bethel Reddings music ministry with the announcement that their two year old daughter was pronounced dead after ceasing to breathe. Daughter, dont hold back in fear reach for the hammer of my Word and drive it down deep into the temple of those meditations. Years ago he gave a warning word to me through a friend and it saved us years of potential heartache. I feel like its a word of hope to break through the noise of the fear mongering on the airwaves that carry zero solutions, and give some vision into the days ahead. Praying Hebrews 5:14 over you this week! He may do himself some harm. But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David understood that the child was dead. He is faithful to do what He started and He will right every injustice! After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. To read the rest of this go to the link on my bio.. The bible says that we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. He is the buddy jesus not the Savior Christ. Nesting season is coming. NO BACKUP PLANS Even recently, Christy and I felt the Lord speak clearly and say, I don't want you to have any backup plans. I have felt such a strong intentional pull away from the old wineskin of the hustle and busyness. Its building and rising to the surface and you cant ignore it. Thanks! Lets not allow this distraction to bait us. Its in this time that I dive into the word and remind myself of who God called me to be. What I was drawn to right away was that Gods magnifying glass was ENLARGING and MAGNIFYING what He was doing - causing the world to look and see something that shouldnt be hidden. They pretend our words create as the spoken word of God does. (2 Chronicles 23:15) Cancel her access. I knew that I was going after the calling that God had placed on my life, and yet I felt like I was being pursued at every corner. God, Thankyou for your resurrection power flowing upon everyone who reads this In Jesus name! Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. Davids pick up your stones and release the sound into the earth and dont hold back. He wants you to look to the right and left and lose sight of Jesus in this crucial moment. We believe in a Jesus who died and conclusively defeated every grave, holding the keys to resurrection power. Really? In a few days I am dropping a HUGE word even giving some timelines I have praying into for over 6 months. For over a decade, we have committed our lives to equipping and releasing pioneers, revivalists and reformers to walk in the fullness of identity and release the reality of heaven on earth. About Nate and Christy Johnston. Where the table always has seats, a feast is always prepared, and no voice is shut down. Full word in bio. Deborah then prophesied a God-inspired strategy she said in Judges 4:7 then I will lure Siseras armies to fight against you at the Wadi Kishon, and I will hand him over to you. However, she then tells him, that Sisera himself will be given into the hands of a woman. But as we were walking through the deep ravines of rock, out of nowhere He spoke In a time of fear and propaganda from the enemy trying to block my voice, those who seek me will find me Family members telling us to give up because it wasnt God. But only 4 months or so ago Jeff reached out and in the middle of a trying season gave us the most astounding heaven sent word that cleared away so much confusion. It may even be insulting to pagans to call this paganism. I can feel the ground shaking as they march together in unison, sending shockwaves into the enemy's camp for they come to retrieve their territory. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. Unexpected bills arriving. "We're asking for prayer," she wrote. She massacred all the members of the royal house, murdering Ahaziahs sonsher own grandsons. And the elders of his house stood beside him, to raise him from the ground, but he would not, nor did he eat food with them. Leave the hustle: It only hurts you and puts you in dangerous situations. It will be a season of; It tries to war against anything that is pure and it hates you entering into the secret place and getting your peace It wants to assassinate your seeddreams and promisesthat God has placed inside you. Deborah instructs Barak, Go deploy the troops on Mount Tabor. Tabor means place of purifying and cleansing. The troops first had to gather at this place of purifying and cleansing before going into battle. When the wild ones came out in January I was overwhelmed with the response to say the least. Bethel pastor Kris Vallotton shared Heiligenthals message on Facebook, saying, Please join us as we pray in bold faith for a miracle for our own Kalley and Andrew Heiligenthal. His post has 1.4K shares as of this writing. And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. Baraks name means lightning. I believe this speaks of fathers arising alongside mothers to defend and protect the family together - and in doing so, God will QUICKLY respond with lightning power to strike the principality of Sisera. Jael means one who ascends or mountain goat. She is the prophetic picture of one who ascends the heights of the house of God just like the picture of Deborah under the palm tree. I shall go to him, but he will not return to me. 2 Samuel 12:15-23, Email all comments and questions to, Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? Galatians 4:16. ' (2 Chronicles 23:12-13) Right now, the Lord wants us to fill our homes with His presence. The greatest work before us to build the family and rebuild the kingdom culture of family again from the ground up. Also, check your alignments right now. And lastly, she uses endless harassment, intimidation, false accusations, and character assassination, as her tools to get you to submit to her and give up. Ouch again. Proclaim my Word loud for all to hear and it will re-establish your territory over those demon-ideologies they cannot and will not prevail against you.. Others shared Heiligenthals bold call for resurrection prayer. Beloved, there are victims all over this story. I believe to go forward the church is on a journey back to her roots, back to the church of Acts. Link in bio, To those who are pioneering healthy after many broken generations.. As Siseras armies were lured into battle with Barak and his armies, Sisera fled on foot in terror and ran into the camp of Jael. They have come to rebuild the ancient ruins, to repair the cities destroyed, to revive and redeem the devastations of many generations. We pray secondarily for all of those watching this story. Which do you think Kris Vallotton does? Jael did just that. Its coming. Not saying its been perfect or easy since that day - in fact we have had to walk through some intense seasons of God breaking strongholds and healing but its totally been worth it for the sake our our kids not having to walk out the junk we have. There is a movement that has begun through a people who will take the blood of the lamb and their testimony (Rev 12:11) to the four corners of the earth and not shrink back in fear. AND YOU WILL FINALLY BIRTH IT! For now, let this snippet encourage you. Who has been sensing this? Suppressed. Prophetic revivalist Christy Johnston also shared Heiligenthals plea for prayer, adding her own faith-filled cry of intercession: Friends, we are joining the Bethel family in a global movement of prayer for this little one, Olive. Anything less is unequally yoked and in due time will trip you up and lead you back into the path of endless chatter and conflict. It wants to silence and muzzle you through distraction and create confusion. Fear caught the tongues of many and sent prophetic voices underground for a season but now they are coming back to set the standard and shake the church out of mixture. Just because God can do something however, does not mean He will. A charge to arise as a mother over the land and territory you have been assigned. Generally we agree but not always. Last week I was putting out the trash when the voice of the Lord boomed into my spirit these following words.. Listing provided by TMLS You are so close. But then the wineskin burst and I have felt Gods heart that it is time to create space and talk about it, see lives and families healed, revive hearts, and restore destinys. Dont fall for it! God is building you and getting you ready to build what you never imagined you would be called to. Are you still rehearsing it? It also destroys some popular false Bethel teachings. The Lord says, "The enemy will not have any access point to you if you are protective of what I have given to you." Shut all access points. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into God's sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and . We need it for our little Olive Alayne, who stopped breathing yesterday and has been pronounced dead by doctors. People ask me all the time what to do in crisis and chaos, news of potential famine, and instability, and every time I get my head out of the headlines and info the presence I hear the same thing MOVE FORWARDOCCUPY DONT SHUT DOWN! For if you dream it, I will build it! " I believe God is removing the religious lids and ceilings off the church and its leaders right now who have been caught in the hamster wheel and need a fresh encounter. Refuse to be sidetracked by constant fires and emergencies. In a few weeks we kick off our third season for the year - House of Acts. You will have the infrastructure, you will have the plans, and you'll know that it is a season, a grace, and a time to be able to establish what I've given you. I see the most broken coming and finding belonging and the lone rangers finding their nest to rest from the storm. Friendship with God is everything and God is calling the burned out and tired back there right now. Suddenly this loud roar sound came out of me and I begin pushing back the darkness trying to get us to throw in the towel so close to the finish line. - And clarity and breakthrough for families. The bible says that we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away., But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. Its coming. Covers him with her blanket, a picture of the glory of God and reaches for her tent peg and hammer. Bethel Lutheran Church Rochester | Rochester MN - Facebook Siseras name means meditations and keen and swift. For much of our lives we lived in powerlessness and insecurity. Mountain goats have the ability to climb high above their enemies out of reach as they balance on rocky ledges. Their jesus is wing man, not a Lord. Maybe all year? LINK IN BIO. We have to heal and pick up our swords again. There has been some delay and warfare against people settling and being established but HE WILL DO IT! So this is for those in the same shoes in this season who are pioneering the family into greater health and intentionally breaking the generational cycles they were handed - you are setting the stage and foundation for a move of God. - Writing out the blueprint of this new wineskin. It was too precious to Him and and He wanted it seen. What had been robbed? There has been some delay and warfare against people settling and being established but HE WILL DO IT! In our next season of Grow we feel strongly that God wants to wake us up prophetically to be able to hear clearly for the days ahead. Isaiah 35:3-6. STOP CASTING YOUR PEARLS! It is the same sin he then tempted Eve with in the garden; to be like God. We have to get back our authenticity and power. I felt instantly that He was brooding over its birthing of something significant and mighty He has always seen that this state would bring forth. The Word of God is like a hammer and the tent peg speaks of territory. Individuals are responsible for the facts and opinions contained in their posts. You cannot expect miracles when your base is actively working against God. Link in bio.. enjoy! Group activations. There has been a massive push from the enemy to put stocks on the feet of those moving forward by tethering them to people and the expectations from past seasons. Grow - You can bloom here That day I was really struggling in my mind because we were seeking God for clarity on a major decision and I felt as dry as the desert around me. In an Instagram post, Heiligenthal said her daughter stopped breathing Saturday and was officially pronounced dead. Their NAR dominionism values this world. He is releasing the mantle of Deborah upon you as you do. What about ecumenicalist Darlene Zschech? If the enemy hasnt been able to kill our children in the womb, hes been attempting kill their image in Christ by way of their young minds. God is calling to you, dear daughter. Its time to prophetically speak into the future of the Church and rebuild YOUthe Church of Godfrom the ground up. The Mantle of Deborah You know who you are. I also love reading this life changing word that has marked my life deeply.. Devastated to hear today that my friend @jeffjansen passed away. This is a season the Lord doesn't want you to cast your pearls anymore before the swine. It is the same sin of Lucifer. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it. (Isaiah 30:21 NIV) I knew this was an instruction of the Lord to sever and bring closure to areas of the past, but I also knew this was the Lord speaking about how we had entered into a time of the closing of an old door and the beginning of a new onethe severing of an old path and the beginning of a new one. Focus! But only 4 months or so ago Jeff reached out and in the middle of a trying season gave us the most astounding heaven sent word that cleared away so much confusion. And I wanted to encourage those who have not found a family or tribe that we have entered a time where family is not just a theory but a reality. This is a word specific to those who have been in transition and havent yet put their bags down. People didnt expect it to reach much of an audience and even distributors in my own country didnt even stock it(until people consistently asked them to ) but then in the middle of that Walmart and my publisher started talking about an interactive journal from the chapters of the Wild ones.. something that would reach even the secular without losing the potency and language. God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message. What does that look like for your pathfor your life and for your family? Saw this in my memories from a year ago and wanted to share it. This is a season He doesn't want you to continue forfeiting the call on your life or handing it over to other people you feel are more capable of running in that calling., Throughout my life I have seen God so faithfully deal with the enemies assignments and injustices against me and my family over and over and while sometimes there are seasons where it feels delayed, it does come. In this season, I'm flipping the script and I'm overturning the tables where you had enemies constantly at your doorstep trying to prevent you from entering into the promise. Link in bio, To those who are pioneering healthy after many broken generations.. Disarmed momentarily. This season, watch as the Lord pursues the lions and clears your name. Misfits where are you? From around October 2022, through to even now, there has been an assignment of full assault trying to bombard God's people and stop them from entering this new path so that they would not see the promise in the days to come. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Something is coming that cant be ignored. Take it back by faith! It is a mantle of courage and boldness to stand fiercely against the enemy and stand guard over your family. In our third season of Grow House of Acts, we are defining new era revival, what it looks like to build the new wineskin Church, and raising up the remnant to walk in power and authority like the Church of Acts. I had a conversation with a friend in 2020 and we were talking about what makes believers fall, backslide, or compromise and then it came out of my mouth Its when we lose our wonder and adventure in our relationship with God When we lose the raw heart connection, intimacy, and wild pursuit of Him it leads us into a life of Christian activity and busyness all the while running from the growing dissatisfaction and longing for what were created for. Will I not do it?" And then I heard the Lord say, And now comes the birthing that has been delayed! It is triage on the battlefield. Ouch. A full list of winners at the 2023 Spirit Awards. Dont let the fake lion win when you have the roar of the lion of Judah inside you! On the seventh day the child died. We had people hacking accounts. We pray that she comes into the light and finds comfort and salvation in the true Christ. like a cloak spreading across the Nations, this divine calling from heaven is resting upon a generation of daughters - they will courageously and fearlessly push back the darkness and exposing it to the light. Its our hope that our courses, books and prophetic words lead you into a fresh encounter that catapults you into your calling and destiny. Bethel Worship Leader Asks for Prayer That Daughter Who Died Would Come Does it feel like your hearing is dulled or blocked? He gave me the most humbling advice not to repeat some of his mistakes, and was a man who had been through some tough years that God was doing a new thing in and through. 59.3k Followers, 771 Following, 2,566 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Christy Johnston (@christymjohnston) christymjohnston. Bill Johnson is fond of teaching mandatory healing and claims if someone is not healed, then it is their fault for a lack of faith. View Christy Torre's email address (c*****@toyot***.com) and phone number. It will be a season of; I pray it does the same for you. His voice sent shockwaves to the enemys camp and Ill never forget the years I was schooled by the anointing on his life as I would listen to his messages and evident glory upon his life. So if God told you and called you, dont roll over now just because the opposition looks menacing and unbeatable. It takes conviction and boldness in this day to go against the popular narratives and only have Jesus in your sights. Ive had scammers and trolls apologize many times before after I prayed. And David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. 2022 has brought many unexpected challenges to us all, but may we be ever thankful for the gift of Jesus this Christmas. WATCH ME DEAL WITH THE LIONS I felt the deliverance of the Lord coming to many right now and the Lord said And now watch me deal with the lions! I knew this was for those who have been in the thick of the battle over their lives, families, and destinywhere the enemy has sought to take them out and discredit them. Dont fall for it! Join us! I feel such a fear of the Lord over this new path. Access to Season 4 starting November 7th, 2022. I tread lightly because I cannot imagine the overwhelming sense of loss in losing your two-year-old child. Devastated to hear the news today of your passing . Its time.. @benij5 Thankyou for loving on our little family when we came to Redding and speaking into our lives. Every word of prophecy and encouragement, every resource we create and every prayer we pray is only released because of your faithful gifts and partnership. LINK IN BIO. We must deal with the things that are no longer working and crumbling around us and rebuild according to the word not according to popular Christian culture. This is your moment. "They [the former tyrant masters] are dead, they shall not live and reappear; they are powerless ghosts, they shall not rise and come back. Have you felt like you have been in a revelation drought? Nate & Christy - YouTube I'm cutting off all access points so that the birthing suite will be safe for you to birth what I've given you to birth! "This will be a season," says the Lord, "where you will be able to completely feel safe. Who has been sensing this? Have you ever felt like this too? Demonic dreams and no sleep. The magnifying glass was also looking to and fro over the state for fruit from the remnant He has been raising up in this season that were pure and not sold out to the religious spirit that has long tried to choke the life from the move of the spirit in Texas. King Jabin appointed an evil commander of his army named Sisera who lived in Harosheth. Deborah was known as a prophetess, she would sit under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel. Focus! Its time to be a family and set the table for others, to become the true family of God that the world so desperately needs. Be alert and of sober mind. I believe to go forward the church is on a journey back to her roots, back to the church of Acts. Before Calvary, death meant eternal separation from the Father but now because of the finished work of the cross, our resurrection will not be to this world but to the next. Why should I fast? Region 6 Mark of Excellence Awards winners announced in Bloomington, Minn. ADVERTISEMENT . I also love reading this life changing word that has marked my life deeply.. Join us! In darkness they do their works and say, Who sees us, and who will know? Isaiah 29:15. When the wild ones came out in January I was overwhelmed with the response to say the least. This means watching what we watch, what we are listening to, what advice we take on, whose calls we are answering, and what we are entertaining and letting influence us. Read the full word in bio.. Not sure who this is for but this is a time to PROTECT what you hear, read, and let in. So to those who this is for let me add one last thing - Stand and watch the deliverance of the Lord. Athaliah uses witchcraft and thrives on information and finding ways to break you down from many different angles. This will be the season where you foiled their plans and you lead many others into their promise. Do you need your voice back? These people are scammers and this is the test - they wont put this post on their fake profile, or will they? "This is a season," says the Lord, "where I am taking you from a place of being pursued to you becoming the pursuer. . I pray it does the same for you. You cannot expect miracles when your base is actively working against God. True north check - are you following Jesus or culture? You will have to truly discern and know what you are called to do and what you arent, and be unapologetic about turning away what isnt ordained by God for you and your family. Email: Website: Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. Be alert and of sober mind. Prophesy! Read the rest of the word in bio. There is a movement that has begun through a people who will take the blood of the lamb and their testimony (Rev 12:11) to the four corners of the earth and not shrink back in fear. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. Ever since we heard yesterday morning, I have been praying prayers of resurrection over this little girl. Join us! God is taking the keys of legacy the enemy has stolen from you and is placing them back in your hands right now. We had people hacking accounts. The blindfolds have been removed and the spell has broken. He can see that while he thought you were out of the game God was rewiring you and preparing you for the next chapter and he is throwing all he can to get you to cave in to the noise, fear, and pandemonium. Praying this interactive journal from the wild ones brings you back to wonder and adventure with Jesus again. Website crashing 10 times a day. Village life as we have known it has been ceasing, but watch as God's Deborahs arise. Biography and career [ edit] In defending Bill Johnson and Bethel Church, Dr. Michael Brown once told me, You do not know them, they love Jesus. It has always saddened me that people who call themselves Christians seem overly focused on protecting the wolves and show little to no compassion for the sheep being devoured. The enemy can see that you are ripe and about to see the finish line in major promises and is freaking out right now. Happy Jewish new year! We see a world where God's sons and daughters are awakened to the truth of who they are in Christ establishing the Kingdom of heaven here on the earth. In the vacuum of what we need, we then try to get it in other places. He is our hope and joy through it all. The spirit of Athaliah wants you to forfeit your dreams and your purpose to someone else. I can hear the sling of David whirring in the air. Im tired of seeing people stuck in pews when they could be on the frontlines of this new thing God is doing.
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