When he hides his true intentions his leftist base gets angry. [6] The North Korean Interim People's Committee did not look upon the bank favorably, and chose instead to work through the Farmers' Bank, which also existed at the time. Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Answer (1 of 5): No the rothschilds were never in Russia they were based in frankfurt, Vienna, london, paris and Naples Frankfurt, vienna and Naples didnt survive ww2 and they have only just gotten their personal possessions back from there their paris branch was nationalised in the 80s the londo. There is no excuse for this. By 1816, Congress passed a bill authorizing a second Rothschild-dominated central bank with a 20-year charter. It was President Kennedy who was murdered right before pResident Johnson was sworn in and reversed Kennedy and prolonged the war. Putin Removed Rothschild From Russia In 2006. These claims by the Manchus are interesting in that it was the G7 countries who benefited from the Marshall Plan and it is they who, with the exception of the Trump regime, have been trying to derail the Kim/Trump summit. Now what property can the colonists be conceived to have, if their money may be granted away by others, without their consent?. When the veil is lifted, despite all of the Democrats efforts to hide what they are doing, their plans are exposed, and rejected. [7] On December 6, 1947, a comprehensive program of currency reform was announced. Never mind that in the case of the United States, it was that same free market they are criticizing that made the United States the most prosperous nation on the face of the Earth. The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. Jean Jacques Rousseau was quoted as saying that the people need to be forced to be free.. Pope Francis Warns Against The Prt--porter Of Wealth Distribution That Advocates Depravity Of FreeWill. The Lazarus heist: How North Korea almost pulled off a - BBC News Humanity Roars As If Lions Attacking The Bankers Agenda 21 Matrix Scheme: North Korea Rothschilds NWOTemplate. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Rothschild-owned or controlled Central Banks Central banks are illegally created private banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. Detroit to US judge This city is bankrupt NBC News.com October 23, 2013. The meet between the two leaders preceded by a tidal wave of high-level public and secret diplomacy because this is no ordinary agreement, multiple sources agree. The fall of the Soviet Union is a blazing example of the failure of Marxist utopianism. Search | Bank of Korea - Judging from the expressions, the photograph at this link may well be showing Rothschild servants freaking out after Donald Trump showed them documents asserting the North Korean (Manchu) rights to the gold that ultimately backs the G7 (now G6) and Israeli financial systems. 2003: The United States invades Iraq which is now one of six nations left in the world who don't have a Rothschild controlled central bank. Sue-Lin Wong and James Pearson , Reuters. Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks By NY Evening An increasingly number of people are waking up to the fact that 99% of the Earth's population is controlled by an elite 1% - but did you know that there are theories about one family, the Rothschild, that they rule everything, even that elite 1%? ), discriminates against them based on supposed ideological impurities (has the United States ever been kind to Marxist-Leninists? There Are Only 3 Countries In The World Without A Rothschild Owned Obama Fomenting Terrorism Against The United States With Drones & IllegalImmigrants! By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. They cant read at night. When the war ended in 1815, U.S. finances were in shambles. The Q Clock Map Delta :24 - @Johnheretohelp, The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, Rules & Laws To Serve Themselves: A Christmas Carol, I Killed The Bank ~ President Andrew Jackson. There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya. Seven Countries Without A Rothschild-Owned Central Bank - RUSSIA KICKED THEM OUT! Todays Liberals are yesterdays Bolsheviks, and they dont even realize it. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. The Rothschilds' domination of the world's financial markets continues to this day. However, it was Sweden where the real action could be seen. Mayer Amschel Rothschild's five sons were: Amschel Mayer (1773-1855), who succeeded his father as the head of the Frankfurt establishment; Salomon Mayer (1774-1855), who founded a branch in Vienna, Austria; Nathan Mayer (1777-1836), who founded a branch in London; Karl Mayer (1788-1855), who founded a branch in Naples, Italy; and James or Jakob (1792-1868), who founded a branch in Paris. (Reuters Photo: Ashikur Rahman, File) . This became the Rothschild family's mantra -- control the world by controlling the world's money supply. Pope Francis also made it clear last week who his real boss was (hint: not God) by supporting this unscientific fraud whose real aim is to perpetuate financial control by Khazarian (Rothschild, etc.) * Please refer to the attached file. This leads to the inside story of the summit meeting between Trump and Kim in Singapore this week, where the real topic of discussion will be deposing the Khazarian controllers of the G6 financial system, several sources concur. In the meantime, beginning in 1875, the Rothschilds, acting through their New York banking partner, Jacob Schiff, at the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb, and Co., financed John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, Edward R. Harriman's railroad empire, and Andrew Carnegie's steel empire using Rothschild money. The concept of a General Will collided head on with the philosophy of American federalism, as provided by the U.S. Constitution. North Korea is already totalitarian but Rothschild wants their financial system. Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, in full Lionel Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild of Tring, (born February 8, 1868, London, Englanddied August 27, 1937, Tring, Buckinghamshire), British zoologist who became a great collector and founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum in London. Libya no longer in the list. This leads to the inside story of the summit meeting between Trump and Kim in Singapore this week, where the real topic of discussion will be deposing the Khazarian controllers of the G6 financial system, several sources concur. [4] History [ edit] Rothschild & Co. Has Office in Russia, Contrary to Conspiracy Claim on In reality, the government is taking from one to give it to another, but the benefits are not to the receivers of these entitlements, but is actually ultimately those who control the system. Kim Jong-un has agreed to allow North Korea to open its doors to the Rothschild Central Banking System. Part of their drive for a new system was the belief in the supposed existence of a general will that does not necessarily appear as something obviously expressed by the general public, but is presumed to be known by the ruling elite. Only 4 countries left without a Rothschild controlled central bank. McCains Deadlier Version Of NDAA Passed By Corrupt Senate 12/20/2013: Belligerent Senators Who Violate U.S. Constitution & MirandaRights! Also, Zang now claims that Kim Young-hee (), who came with Zang to meet this writer in 2015, is the daughter of Kim Jong-uns executed uncle Jang Song-thaek and is thus a first cousin of Kims. Eighteenth century French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau was one of the minds behind the madness of the French Jacobins (secular socialists) that eventually led France into the destructive upheaval of the French Revolution. A criminal complaint was unsealed today charging Park Jin Hyok (; a/k/a Jin Hyok Park and Pak Jin Hek), a North Korean citizen, for his involvement in a conspiracy to conduct multiple destructive cyberattacks around the world resulting in damage to massive amounts of computer hardware, and the extensive loss of data, money and other resources (the "Conspiracy"). Bankers Council On Foreign Relations ~ The Rigid Control Of TheMedia. Like any other evil, communism spread despite any attempts to stop it short of military action. North Korea executes leaders uncle as a traitor to the nation. The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba. A conclusion that could only be reached by wilful blindness to the human rights violations of the United States, its democracy-abominating allies in the Gulf, and its south Korean neo-colony. Doing The Bidding Of The Rothschild BankingCabal. Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia. BANKS Owned by the Rothschild Family - REVEAL Bank Underground published a report in 2019 describing the breakdown of ownership of central banks as owned by the public sector, private sector and a combination . Harlan wrote, The report makes for devastating reading, laying out the way North Korea conducts surveillance on its citizens (see Edward Snowdens revelations about the NSAs spying on US citizensand everyone else), bans them from travel (anyone up for a visit to Cuba? Iran Does not have a Rothschild Central Bank. Neither does Syria. Nor As things are going, it will not be long before these child-killing mass murderers are dragged out of their houses and hung from the nearest lamppost, as famously predicted by George Bush Sr. A vendor is pictured in a shop in a newly constructed residential complex after its opening . Liberalism eliminates choice, which in turn kills freedom, but nonetheless, the deception finds a way to convince the people that such slavery is what they need. The sources say that then Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek, Japanese Emperor Hirohito, and South Korean President Syngman Rhee were all involved in this scheme. Here is a complete list of all Rothschild owned and controlled banks. The Bilderberg meeting was presided over by high-level financial fraudster Henry Kissinger and included, apparently for the first time, a representative of the Vatican, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. which means peasants with pitchforks rising against this satanic elite in the UK, in Italy, in Hungary and pretty much everywhere else in Europe. Todays leftism, however, is not just utopianism or Marxism, but a bastard child that encompasses all of the worst philosophies, and much, much more. I certainly do not trust his term any better than the North Korean totalitarianism regime. North Korea's economy shrank most in 23 years, says South Korea central Countless times throughout history attempts at utopianism have failed, and leave in their wake a violent and bloody trail of millions. Once attaining that power, as we are seeing now in the American system, liberals work to create within America the very philosophy we fought to defeat during the Cold War. Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba. found it :) [link to www.lookingglassnews.org] 2001: On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Britain, America and Israel under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as they did with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security. The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were: Sudan Libya Cuba North Korea Iran The Attacks of September 11 th were an inside job to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. In mid-April, in a normal year, American citizens rush to finish their tax returns, and the world's financial elite gathers in Washington, D.C., for the spring meetings of the International . Since 2021, the president of the bank is Chae Song-hak. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of October 29, North Korea had tested 12,072 people for Covid-19, with all resulting "negative" for the virus, and as of August 20, a total . The Foreign Trade Bank was established to handle the Central Bank's international business. Libya. Both sources, who were unaware they were simultaneously contacting the WDS, provided documentation to show Manchu gold was put under the control of , Switzerland Unveils 100% Gold-Backed Currency, Trump: Democrats Plotting To Abolish All Police, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sponsored Sources. The Rothschild family's banking businesses pioneered international high finance during the industrialization of Europe and America. 18, Copyright 2022 NEWSPUNCH, LLC. Only 3 countries left without a Rothschilds controlled central bank Top U.S. General Joseph Dunford flew to Finland last week to meet his Russian and Finnish counterparts to help the Swedes in their Trump moment, the sources say. North Korea does not currently have a Rothschild controlled central bank, along with countries such as Syria and Russia. Republicanism is demonized. It's really the only leverage they have. For America to attack North Korea by the ruse of humanitarianism would be to ultimately perpetuate centralization aka; rothschildism. Whenever the leftists attempt to equalize, or be socially just, through a system of wealth redistribution, claiming that it is their goal to make all things fair for people through government intervention, individual human nature will always reject the liberty-killing philosophy. [3] He was preceded by Kim Chon-gyun since 2014. For years, aggressiverhetoric between North Korea, the United States,and other global superpowers, led to the world teetering on the edge of World War 3. Scientist Who Created Worlds First Covid Vaccine Found Dead In His Apartment, Fauci Gave Virologist $2M After Pressuring Him to Stay Quiet About COVID Lab Leak Theory, Democrat Mayor Arrested on Sickening Array of Pedophilia Charges Resigns Citing Mental Health Issues, Gates Foundation Insider Admits Covid Vaccines Are Abortion Drugs To Depopulate the World, Justin Trudeau Issues License to Company To Produce and Sell Cocaine, on Former Trump Employee Claims The Donald Fires Ugly Women, on Police asked university for list of attendees at fracking debate, found hanged in Argentina in a message to pedo royals, New Ground Zero Health Disaster: East Palestine Workers Report Severe Migraines and Nausea, Senator Tom Cotton: Biden Is Working for Chinese Communists, President Trump Says Adam Schiff Should Be Arrested For Treason, Robert De Niro: Trump Is Possibly Crazy In A Medical Sense, Rand Paul: Only Person Who Colluded With Russia Was Hillary Clinton, Snopes Now Have Power To Shadowban Conservative Facebook Users, FBI: Peter Strzok Worked For The CIA Under Obama, Top 10 VPNs That Support Liberty and Protect Your Privacy, George Soros Blocks Trumps Ban On Potential Terrorists, No Evidence Covid Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission Says WHO Chief Scientist, France: Strasbourg Bans Public Demos As Massive Manhunt Underway For Christmas Market Shooter, Former PM Says Israel Is Drifting Toward fascism Under Netanyahu, WHO Warns Europe On The Brink As Significant Coronavirus Resurgence Has Begun, Soros Vows To Purge Disease Of Nationalism, Monsanto Loses Lawsuit, Pays $46 Million To Poisoned Victims, Former Trump Employee Claims The Donald Fires Ugly Women, UN envoy cancels trip to Palestine over Israel visa denial, French Court Strikes Down Paris Outdoor Mask Mandate, Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Mandates to Protect Liberty of the Unvaccinated Biden Furious, Trump Bans Nonesense Nasa Climate Change Research, Lawsuit Against Biden Admins Collusion With Big Tech To Censor Free Speech, Has Grown, Police asked university for list of attendees at fracking debate, Macron Calls Le Pen A Russian Puppet Who Will Spark Civil War By Banning Islamic Veil. Pyongyang is keen to learn from the conflict, but ideological biases mean it's likely to draw the wrong conclusions. (Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba.) They claim the gold was misappropriated by the Rothschilds and used to finance the Marshall Plan after World War 2. Communism held that philosophy of worldwide dominance. North Korea's economy suffered its biggest contraction in 23 years in 2020 as it was battered by continued U.N. sanctions, Covid-19 lockdown measures and bad weather, South Korea's central bank . If the American People were to realize that the final goals of liberalism is the same as that of communism, Obama would never have been elected. The Bank is subordinated to the Cabinet of North Korea. The G6 also made it clear they want to keep their control of the world financial system via the fraudulent CO2 causes global warming scam by stating that Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the European Union reaffirm their strong commitment to implement the Paris Agreement. Pope Francis also made it clear last week who his real boss was (hint: not God) by supporting this unscientific fraud whose real aim is to perpetuate financial control by Khazarian (Rothschild, etc.) This happened as 160 children were liberated from an Atlanta child trafficking operation, they noted. Today we call such assaults on the American Form of Government by a different name. The Khazarian mob, of course, is not going to give in without a fight and have been actively suiciding whistleblowers recently. The series of public and private meetings have transpired over recent weeks in which the future for North Koreas economic future has been mapped out. Here the government mobilized its home guard and reserves to purge Muslim rapefugees, Pentagon sources say. Share $ What to watch in Asia today on Twitter (opens in a new window) They ask questions of non-socialists not because they are searching for answers. March 2023 OMO_Notice date 2023.02.27 The Bank of Korea plans to issue Monetary Stabilization Bonds worth approx imately 10.2 trillion won (competitive bidding 9.0 trillion won, fixed rate . Why Should the Central Bank Be Charged with Maintaining Financial Stability; The BOKs Role in Ensuring Financial Stability; Financial System in Korea; . Latest North Korea News | NK News There were 50, 100, and 500 North Korean won bills, the due date of . Once Socialism has the people dependent upon it for entitlements, and gains total control over the market place through regulatory means, the government becomes the final employer of all workers, and the right to provide for ones family becomes a privilege. Rothschild Czar Bill Gates To Face Trial In India: Millions Of Children Poisoned By Vaccine! The liberals seek to eliminate the private sector, just as Karl Marx instructed. Its title is "Only Three Countries Left Without a ROTHSCHILD Central Bank!" Yet it immediately declares: In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran. Oct 2008. The Rothschild family businesses can trace their first contact with China to the 1830's. Our business was one of the first Western business institutions to re-establish relations after 1953. The public gathering was the G7 (now G6 following the U.S. de facto withdrawal) summit meeting of Western leaders and a summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (a.k.a. Investing in North Korean 'Bonds' - The Diplomat The Rothschilds: Controlling the World's Money Supply - donaldwatkins No humanitarianism would prevail in North Korea, one only needs to look at Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, and what happened to Russia after 1917 when rothschild sovietized aka; centralized their system. The secret meetings were the Bilderberg meeting in Italy, and meetings between Asian royals and representatives of the White Dragon Society (WDS) held in Japan, according to Asian secret society sources. Colorado Has Fun With Biden & Barry: Colorado To Pay $25-$100 Bounty On Shot Down Obama Drones ~ Citizens Receive License To Protect States SovereignAirspace! Fact Check: Jacob Rothschild Is NOT Worth '$500 Trillion' And Does NOT Head of Rothschild & Co Bank AG Javed Khan Managing Partner Head of Merchant Banking Alain Massiera Head of France Wealth and Asset Management Jimmy Neissa Head of Rothschild & Co, North America Deputy Head, Global Advisory Gary Powell Deputy Head, Wealth and Asset Management Martin Reitz Head of Rothschild & Co, Germany It's impossible to say for sure what triggered Kim's latest crackdown on foreign influence in . Obama Invokes Austerity: Officially Shuts Down The United States Southern Border Air DefenseSystem! We have no culture without electricity, a burly North Korean security guard once told me accusingly. For those that aren't aware the Rothschilds own 80% of the landmass of Israel and are the true face behind the zionist movement. Capitalism must be demonized, and the citizenry is convinced that the free market is the cause of their economic woes. The Founding Fathers held on to the idea of a limited federal government that retained most of the powers to the States, and the people, therefore they hated and feared the Jacobin theory of a general will.. the official currency, and the Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the sole bank of issue. If you would like to follow Donald Watkins, please click on these links and hit the follow button: https://www.facebook.com/donald.v.watkins, The Rothschilds: Controlling the World's Money Supply for More Than Two Centuries. We think Rothschild wants N.Koreas banking system, or is that too a simple ruse? Locally, when I ran for City Council in 2010, a set of measures I supported passed overwhelmingly. The Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea 's central bank. Every action by the liberal communists are to specifically demonize the positions of those that oppose them, rather than simply debate the issues. The Rothschilds control the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. The Offshore Outsourcing Of American Jobs: Congressional Act Of UnemploymentTerrorism! A message was sent to the Bilderberg-founding Dutch royal family on June 7th, the day the meeting started when the sister of Queen Maxima, Ines Zorreguieta, was found hanged in Argentina in a message to pedo royals, Pentagon sources say. the Eurasian Alliance). Alert => Bankers Martial Law Build Up: The Rothschild Government Is Ready For Chaos To Escape Justice For Their Crimes ~ Nuremberg Trials AwaitThem! Nazism also sought to spread across the globe. Breaking => The Answer To Chinas Ghost Cities: Destroying Farm Production [Agenda 21] By Forcing The Rural Chinese Into Newly Built $Consumer Based Urban Concentration Cities. Rothschilds Media: To Control Information, To Assure NWO Propaganda, To Be Both Dominant AndUbiquitous. All articles are shared on Facebook and Twitter. Liberalism has progressed using a system I call creeping incrementalism, where the liberals get a little here, and a little there, and before the people know it, the public has accepted the philosophies of communism under the guise of liberalism little by little without even realizing it. Planned Parentless Pays $2 Million Wrongful DeathPayoff. Who can say that giving to the poor and disadvantaged is a bad thing? In 1760 Mayer would change the family name from Bauer to Rothschild . The promise is that the wealth is to be redistributed from the wealthy to those poor individuals at the bottom of the economic ladder through a system of entitlements that eventually the populace comes to rely upon. How General Eisenhower Solved Illegal Border Crossings From Mexico. Family members held seats in Parliament and in the House of Lords; they became Barons in London; and they founded the Rothschild Natural History Museum (1892). When Congress refused to renew the charter in 1812, the Rothschilds threatened the U.S. with a "most disastrous war" with Britain. Live news updates from February 6: Quake hits Turkey and Syria Rothschild-owned Central Banks in All But Three Countries in 2013!! Rothschild family | History & Facts | Britannica North Korea: 8 Things to Know Before You Go - World Nomads Rothschild's Control of Central Banks - bushstole04.com The WDS will back his claims, as will Asian secret societies, the Illuminati, and other powerful groups, secret society sources say. One way to attack the opposition is for members of the liberal left to ask questions that corners the opposition, forcing them into a defensive posture. Liberals promise to act in an angelic manner for the public good if they are given enough power. In todays society it is called liberalism.. Furthermore, the Senates August recess was canceled so Trumps federal judges and other nominees can be confirmed, they note. Very much like the gulags, British Boer concentration camps, Hitler concentration camps, & in America our own Japanese concentration camps albeit w/o ovens and manifest torture. In fact, last week the Bush cabal was decimated as its top loyalist and Carlyle founder Frank Carlucci met his maker, Pentagon sources say. To Control The Warming Hype WhatElse? In fact, last week the Bush cabal was decimated as its top loyalist and Carlyle founder Frank Carlucci met his maker, Pentagon sources say. The Rothschilds are a family of Jewish financiers. Countries without Rothschild The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were: Sudan. Waco Texas Fertilizer Company Hit By Drone/Laser Strike After Lawsuit Filed AgainstMonsanto! Until this oversight is rectified, it is impossible to regard the UN reportand the western medias coverage of itas anything but sops to the propaganda imperatives of US foreign policy. The purpose of these programs, however, are not to benefit the populace, but to soften the populace up, get them used to receiving gifts from the national treasury, and to allow the government to be able to exert more control over the populace through creating dependency by the people upon the government. . Kim Jong-un has agreed to allow North Korea to open its doors to the Rothschild Central Banking System. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. NK PRO. They inject the socialism slowly, careful not to deliver so much socialism that the populace discovers the exact nature of the strategy, and removes the liberals from office. Commuters pass by the front of the Bangladesh central bank building in Dhaka March 8, 2016. Communism, socialism, liberalism, and all other forms of statism may not have been named such back then, but the concept of collectivism, utopianism, and big government did exist. In the early 2000s, only five countries possessed a central bank that was not owned by the Rothchilds. They also note that the Department of Justice Inspector General report comes out on June 14 as the number of sealed indictments exceeds 35,000 and the DOJ has added 300 prosecutors. Furthermore, the Senates August recess was cancelled so Trumps federal judges and other nominees can be confirmed, they note. Certainly, Bolton has been trying hard to derail the summit, as can be seen by his public actions such as claiming in public North Korea would be treated like Libya. That is why his presidency is in such a shambles at this moment. A kind of we know what you want and what is best for you attitude that supposedly exists simply because of their elite positions and higher-institution intellectualism. A Global Pandemic Bailout Was ComingUntil America - Foreign Policy Since 2021, the president of the bank is Chae Song-hak. The liberal socialists could never allow the populace to realize the true nature of their movement by injecting too much too quickly, or being up front about their aims. North Korea 'Ready To Accept' Rothschild-Controlled Central Bank | Neon
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