Oh, shit! Peter needs me. Think Ill go do some inventory reports, Once Tony is out of sight and the door shuts behind him, Peter tugs down the mask for a second. Tony and Peter are stranded in the desert after a plane crash. You can use this for now.. Peter tries to smile through the mask but settles for another thumbs up. Im fine, just probably need lunch, Michelle looks him over appraisingly. Heck, he rarely went to Brooklyn, and there wasnt even a river for him to cross to get there. I cant think of things anymore apparently Im on NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. Yeah youre going oh-for-two on class field trips lately, Ned agrees. he groaned and gasped as he began to sob. Super emotional and heartwrenching, with both physical and emotional whump, but also sweet and light in parts. The Thompson's sent a glare at Flash, turned away from him, and walked out. They dont like that person. They began leading him out of the room, reading his rights. Alien signatures, similar to the Chitauri weapons that Adrian Toomes used to attack you., Peter cleared his throat. And From his newfound spot on a rooftop, Peter caught sight of a flood of bad guys changing direction and headed towards a mostly-abandoned apartment building. You got me out.. His eyelids grew too heavy to keep open anymore. Ill put TWs in the A/N for those chapters. Stephen Strange was confused. Talking. Aliens are beginning to swarm him and in the overwhelming panic that begins to consume, he does the only thing he can think of. You have airyoure alright.. by @losingmymindtonight. Peter shrugs. Peter! he exclaims, rushing over. Peter thinks he briefly heard Ned try to defend him, but it went ignored by both parties as Flash started to wrap his hands around Peter's neck. (this one is really adorable. Maybe the apples were bad? Ned suggests. 5. He jumped onto the ceiling and silently crawled out of the open . Tony has finally started allowing the kid to tag along on missions with the team. Is he okay?, Uh Peter cut off as Mr. Stark strode over and knelt next to Captain America. If you lose your case, you will be sent to a Juvenile Detention Center for two years, the you will carry out the rest of your sentence in prison." Im not a kid!, All right, Spider-Man. Captain Americas stern voice cut through the audio. Hey, I think that Steves the real old man here, Wilson. Mr. Stark told him. She raised her eyebrows. Cannot recommend highly enough. If you thought Tony was mad before, you were dead wrong. 1-Peter didn't think it was a big deal. Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation. His back was strewn with smaller rocks and bits of metal, and Peter could see dark bloodstains seeping into the dust-strewn ground. Who knew Flash actually had it in him. New York (Nico and the Avengers) 53 parts. um, guys?. Believe me, I almost shit my pants, but youre safe now. Peter is temporarily a non-enhanced individual. And if Mays happy, then Peter is happy. Chest feels weird. Then the same is done to his jeans. trick or treat by @ciaconnaa - Morgan decides to do a quick science experiment to determine whether or not shes allergic to strawberries while under Peters care. Friday contact Karen, Tony ordered tersely. "Other than the fact that your Caller ID is Mr. Sir Police-Man Jake Peralta, no I don't mind. , -, , . The mugger was webbed to the wall and Peter was laying on the ground. None of the Avengers looked away. Pain in his back, his arms, like theyd been ripped from him, muscles torn apart. What, did I scare your poor little spider-butt? Tonys voice sounded amused, but Peter could hear the sounds of explosions and faint screaming through the audio feed. You gotta b-breathe! The someoneNed, his brain finally registerssounds almost like hes crying now. The signal cuts off then. He startled badly as he saw a red and blue body drop down in front of him. He says hes dizzy., Breathing through a wave of nausea, Peter tilts the phone screen back his direction. Uh, Stark? 5 Times The Avengers Broke the Internet and the 1 Time Stony Won The Bet . Well news flash." Peter stares at him with genuine interest, the fever flushed high on his cheeks. Oh, crap!, Peter flung himself off the building, making a beeline for the fallen Captain America. Please consider turning it on! Which, yknow, was fine for the stuffed animals and the walkie-talkies and the plastic lightsabershe gingerly touches the ice to his nosejust not for a sixteen-ounce can of refried pintos., Morgan lets out an exasperated exhale. "Let me her this straight," he said, rage shaking his voice dangerously. But when Tony finally gets around the last corner, he sees that no Peter didnt hit the pavement. Like, dirt poor. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. or: Nineteen year old Peter Parker navigating his life as a moneyless college student. Chapter 11 Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. Youre alright, kid. The answer turned out to be eleven. Peter has the gauntlet, the stones already in place. I dont want to know. It was a clusterfuck of a day and that was putting it lightly. youll get it soon. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. The accent was American, a dry, sarcastic lilt to it, and, yep, thats definitely Black Widow. 9. Also Flash is an ass. Ask Mr. Stark to patch me into the comms? He shot a web to a building across the street and soared quickly through the city. Just feel weird, Ned wrinkles his brow at him. Hey, guys! "Shit, uh, can I? The last thing he feels is Neds hand in his pocket. Thats why theyre here. Peter is feeling attacked. What did he say that gave you absolutely no choice that you had to nearly kill Peter!?" You don't need to be scared of me. Im right here you know, Peter mutters, sticking his head in the frame. Yeah because movies about wizards in boarding school are totally realistic. He presses his fingers between his eyes where a headache has been building ever since they arrived at the farm. Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. Sam! He is en route and will be with you soon.. Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye Fingers are in his mouth, urgently sweeping the rest of the sick out and clearing his airway. To Ned, she repeats, Whats wrong with him?, I dont know, Ned answers worriedly. The buff black man, now dubbed Terry, comes over and lifts up Peter's injured leg. He passes Peter the ice pack, earning a grunt of thanks. Whoa, wait, is this a full Avengers team-up? I mean, have you heard about all those new adult coloring books? I'm going to have to ask you to take them out, and give them to me." He, uhdoesnt have insurance? Ned tries again. The caller ID was Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta. Do you know any irondad fics where Peter is poisoned? 19. Ive known since February., Wait a minute she says thoughtfully. Flash had never been the brightest, so he continued. Screaming. . I live for comments so if you like this, please let me know! "You know what dad, I'm right you're wrong. Enough!. byeva7673. Hey, hey, youre okay! You know, its been ages since anyone sorted through the supply closet, he says casually, jerking his head towards a nearby door. Its exactly the kind of canon-compliant fic I thought I would never be able to read/enjoy after Endgame but Im so glad I gave it a chance because this author absolutely fleshes out Morgans character and makes you fall in love with her and Peters mentor/brother-ish relationship to her. No matter how much Peter would like for everything to always go right, part of being Spider-Man is having things go wrong. Peter doesn't respond. Things are moving fast all around him. The signal cuts off then. He whipped around as fast as possible and crossed the distance between them in two bounds, kicking the guy so hard he flew down Houston about three blocks before slamming into a building. If the exit is over there, where are you going then?. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. In which Peter Parker gets stabbed with a knife laced with poison and Tony has to come and deal with the aftermath. 4697 guests You can call me Peter if you want Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta." Pretty sure we established that when you puked in a corn maze. It helps a little, but still feels like not enough. as well as "Karen, should we put Peter's mask back on so the doctors don't know his identity?" It turns out that bullies actually are lacking something in their lives that their victim has! He kicked out and knocked one guys legs out from under him before swinging away. That's why he did all this. Hi, baby, May smiles but she looks sad. 4. left kudos on this work! "Sorry kid, you got a nasty cut here." all he could think about was how he was probably going to die. He shivers violently. Peter finds out that Bucky killed Tony's parents and tries to avenge his dad. michellejones; spiderman; angstwithhappyending +22 more # 17. To say that Peter disliked the Rogue Avengers was an understatement. He'll freak out. The two fandoms will be the MCU, and OC's that will appear in future chapters of my other works. Its not exactly the lie Peter would have gone for, but beggars cant be choosers. Well, we had to bring something to eatits a long way to Pluto.. "I'm sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding." Youre not hurt, right? The genius seemed too preoccupied with searching the Captain for injury to actually focus on Peter. He felt his nose break. "Help," just as his body went slack, the principal came around the corner. Hes looking for you. The man pointed at Dr. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Snot asthma, Peter protests. The lights rose and Tonys anxiety rose with it. mr. Oh wait I just remembered! Peter stops walking right in the middle of the path and takes off his backpack, balancing it on the top of his shoes so as not to get the bottom dirty. Chapter 19 avengers ignore peter while he's stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize) . (See the end of the work for more notes.). You're the one who hurt Peter. Who is an actual doctor by the way., A migraine hits unexpectedly, and Peter doesnt want to worry his aunt. If this is the flu or something, it sure has come on awfully fast. Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. Oh my god! Darkness all around him. Why do his lungs feel so tight, like he cant even take a breath? That kid has befended all of the Avengers, the entire 99th precinct of the NYPD, and plenty of other people who I'm sure would love to come in here and get their punches. dailyavocado, Cheerful_with_a_Twist, cant_find_a_good_username, BatmanWhoLaughs666, Hesiniel_Lonto, SilentEntropy, Crovus_Azrael, asksomebodywhocares, yunasama, StarkidFan_NumberOne, Junebug_isunavailable, SeizureslashScoot, ProbablyAHuman, Phantom_Berry, Articwolfplayz, Reader_0709, daemon_kitsune, zolareclipse, Valetudinarian, Imscaredofyou, Amoureuse_tbh, H_Noir, kwardart, BakaKurisu, thr_chrs_fr_rvng, hyucks_chittaphon, Whathasmy_lifecometo, Watermelon_avocado, Hello_Friends, cryingtodeath, a_side_character, dextho, Just_Another_Fangirl_54288, BigGalaxyChaos, Nerdygirl99, Cat_kai, hattrick777, Imauselessartist, Loka__Lokis, Alicetenscia, CheshireLearell, ymnkn, Oliver_966, TheREALGhostSpider, Myhy, Whatintheworld14, adtwmx, ThatLilBroccoliBoi, Stone7046, Blech____________BLECH, and 38 more users 6. "That's going to make this a whole lot more awkward, but for what you've done, Eugene, you will be sent to trial. . Time is weird right now), he starts to fade back in. Im also- Im also a quite acrobatic based hero he explained, moving to sit cross-legged on the floor, watching the others struggle. Why was his alarm going off? The moment shes gone, FRIDAY interrupts. The spider thingits a mutation, right? "Oh, Ms. Egdirbmu you don't understand." Peter shakes his head again. In which Peter Parker comes up with some ~creative~ coping mechanisms (for a fever-induced nightmare), the likes of which Tony Stark hasnt seen before. You should try yoga., As much as Id love to hear the rest of this conversation, a dry voice says into Peters ear, I think I requested you for backup, Spider-Man., Peter, about to shoot a web to continue towards the rising smoke, yelped and and fell right off the forty-story building in surprise. he needed to get out there and fight, to help. Peter groans in response. Because otherwise, we'd have to take matters into our own hands and trust me. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in. He points at Peters backpack. Delirious Peter is one of my faves so Ive got a truly absurd amount: Elevator Freeway by @awesomesockes & @whumphoarder. Shut up." It goes to hell in a hand basket. Visiting her friend.. As he flew towards the last known location of Spider-Man, Tony tried to control the heart clenching fear that threatened to overwhelm him. (never). No, not that. He takes a few short, painful breaths. He lowers his hand sheepishly to find the marker instead. Again." "Um, Peter. You passed out almost immediately. The footage cuts out for a moment, and Jameson reappears, looking solemn. Ned scoffs. Honestly Im starting to think he just goes into shock on purpose to make sure we bring him along.. 11. 18. Thank you! Genre: Fluffy illness/injury, whump, hurt/comfort, humor, A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and@sallyidss for beta-reading and to @awesomesockes for plot, summary, and title ideas <3, SoTony snaps the single use ice pack to activate the chemicals and gives it a few shakes as he moves back over to the kitchen tablewhich one of you is going to explain what happened here?, Morgan shakes her head gravely side to side. A Shot of Poison, To Calm the Nerves by @wordscorrupt. Terry what do I do?" He spotted another guy in faded fatigues sneaking up behind the archer and swung right past, extending his legs and sending the guy flying off the building. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. When its finally out, his throat feels raw. Stark? Peter asked uncertainly. Give me everything you have., Karens last signal was at 3.07am. Peter's eyes start to feel really heavy. You're gonna be okay. "Here's who loves him: An entire NYPD precinct, the CEO of a major company, a trillionare genius who's also Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor the God of Thunder, Loki the God of Mischief, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Iron Patriot, Star Lord, the most deadly woman in the galaxy, a talking tree, a talking raccoon, Ant Man, Drax the Destroyer, Captain Marvel, The Wasp Original, The Wasp New, And I'm sure there's more we're forgetting but we have to read you your right now." Dizziness filled his mind, nausea in his belly. Hey, guys!, Mr. Starks voicewas tense as he addressed Peter. The one time when Tony Stark gave hug to Ned Leeds, Pineapple Pizza and how it Saved Peters Life. One: This book takes place one year after the events of Homecoming. And its gonna be only organic farms for you from here on out.. Peter bleeds out in a guinea pig enclosure at Morgans sixth birthday party. There was a shooter in the school. But now his stomach is cramping and food seems like the worst possible idea. He just hadnt known that bad news dressed up in red, white, and blue. how many people are going to die while he sits here, stuck? he grunted as his exposed fore arm scraped on the rough stone, and the slab dipped a little as he pressed the com on his ear. 7, peter parker is stuck under a building (again what a surprise the boy just attracts buildings i guess you could say theyre FALLING for him ahaha) anyways i just watched the kissing booth and i hate it so to distract myself i read peter parker angst and now i needed to do it and im so tired its one am, avengers ignore peter while hes stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize), edit: this was my first actual time writing a fic i promise i do actually know how to write well now haha, please leave critism (my spellings bad i cant see my screen rlly well my visions blurry im rlly tired) bc i want to make good angst also its not edited nor will i be editing them i am SO TIRED, (See the end of the work for more notes.). Why won't he answer my questions." Peter has the flu at the lake house and, in his confused state, thinks its time to head to school. She checks him overshines a light in his eyes, draws some blood, and makes careful note of his vitalsbefore deciding hes okay to extubate. They encountered that bump in the road a few years ago, and they worked through it, eventually coming out better than they went in. Peter suffers from an asthma attack in the middle of the school. Peter felt uncomfortable in the vicinity of these two extremely powerful figuresboth literally and politically. Tony goes on a hunt for the kid. "I'm writing you up." Mr. Stark was the one that brought you to the hospital." Peter Parker was unable to get out of the rubble and an exasperated and worried Tony Stark takes Peter to . His head is already healing, miraculously." Ive been waiting so long.. He jerked his wrists up and shot a web at the man, yanking the gun out of his hands and shoving him harshly away from Rogers. Kid, were cut off for now. I'm not doing irondad rec lists anymore, sorry! Peter gives a small nod of acknowledgement. But how? Its nothingIm fine, Peter quickly denies. Peter didnt carehe only cared about keeping the enemies distracted from realizing that they had perfectly good bait practically wrapped up with a bow on top in the form of an unconscious super soldier half-buried in rubble. Browse Ranking Create. Peter moves his hand to his chest, rubbing over his breastbone. Peter pulls his knees up to his chest and lowers his head down to meet them, eyes closed. Set directly after The Titan's Curse. multiple seizures. He barged through the door, flying through the lobby until he came skidding into the back room with a bang. They made weapons, and after Stark left that race, the Thompsons stole his first place spot and got real rich. Never mind. Peter felt really tired. I'm not a kid. He glanced behind himself, spotting another water tower (why did Manhattan apartments have so many?) Peter wonders if Michelle was going to watch him during tryouts - only to wonder if that would be worse, considering his inability to focus when she was around. They owned Thompson Incorperated, a business simmilar to Stark Industries before Afghanistan. We were playing superheroes and we needed to pack the supplies to take with us cus we had to go fight the bad guys in space., Shed been stockpiling stuff for the last couple days in the treehouse, Peter goes on, so she was just tossing everything down for me to put in the bag. A Thompson would never do that." Seriously? Exit is over there.. Parker luck had other ideas though and Ned gets a lesson he didn't realise he needed to learn. Holy crap, Peter breathed. Peter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. You think hes being poisoned?!. peter sighed. "He had a broken nose, two broken ribs, and the back of his head was bleeding severely. Peter glances over to the man who, contrary to what Ned said looked bored out of his mind. !, His friend shrugs. The stranger loomed over him, with a smile. He made to get up and finish the fight, but Tony grasped his wrist. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. Okay, one, thats cheating. Just yesterday, Peter was trying to get him to drop the kid moniker, and now hed been upgraded to sweetheart? Peter gets a laced drink intended for Tony while at a fancy event. 22. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. Pepper calls Tony, who is on his way to the office to talk him the diagnosis. "~the office~"Principal Mortia you don't understand!" Peter doesnt even get a chance to see what he should watch out for when everything around him turns to black. 16. But thats only their first problem. and quickly launched himself on top of it. Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man PART 1 He thought hed just caught the tail-end of an argument between Hawkeye and Falcon, because Sam Wilson muttered Spoilsport. just as Captain America said, Clint! Whats wrong with him? she asks. She asked aggressively. Peter needs me. What he doesnt add is that even if they did have it, most medicines dont even work on him anymore because his metabolism requires him to take such high doses. Thanks for checking up on me thought. "Your pathetic ass excuse of a son tormented my son about saying he has an internship at Stark Industries, which he does as my personal intern, and the one day," Tony holds up one finger, "that my son finally says that he doesn't need your son to believe him, your son decides it's okay to break my sons nose, two of his ribs, repeatedly hit his head into his locker so much that he was bleeding and my son's locker has red streaks down it, and my son can no longer hear. KID! tony grunted and a slam sound echoed in peters ear, unless its life threatening i dont wanna hear it! An old, rusting, wrought iron spiked fence. She shrugs. Who he was. Unfortunately, Spider-Mans super-healing decides to go on holiday the same weekend that he does. The loud rushing noise in his ears began to fade. That part is not so much living the dream. 10. Terry, can you help me make him a splint?" Look, kid, Thanks, Mr. Stark! Peter said, doing a backflip off the van and reaching up to snag a building with his web-shooters. Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little . And didnt I tell you that yoga is a better stress-reliever?. Peter forces himself to open his eyes. (Or, five times Tony makes Peter sit out on a mission + one time the tables are turned. WebMD will save me.. 2. At the sound of the alarm, he had rushed back out of the supply closet and was fussing over the monitors now. as well as 4. Also, it turns out that Beck is still lurking in Peters mind much more than anyone realised. Her brow furrows just the smallest bit. I'm bleeding out for you, for you. Shuri nodded. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ms. Egdirbmu was walking around. Michelles bored expression is replaced with a slightly curious one. Flash dropped Peter, and he crumbled to the ground unconscious. or;Peter meets the rogues. He lay perfectly still and was certain he stopped breathing. Follow Peter Parker entering a new life in Gotham City in his quest in trying to feel normal again in a new reality. He could hear it shatter a few dozen meters behind him. Were gonna fix this.. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. I recommend you bring Pepper. Tony Stark of all people came through.