So that the surgery is fruitful. Fixed signs are good for stability, especially the Taurus Moon for cosmetic procedures because Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus Retrograde in Your Natal Chart Whats it Mean? Fire sign Moons Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo are dynamic and focus on accomplishment. Your email address will not be published. Just DETOUR! Sign up for Susan's lunar astrology newsletter sent out on new and full Moons! This is possible and not very difficult to identify. She is the best, I am so thankful to clickastro for providing us the all kundalis of our family in time. But be flexible to not have to stand your ground. If there is an emergency or you cannot wait for better weather, then schedule right away to take care of your health. What are the best dates for me in late January or early February? - Profuse bleeding is possible so make sure blood is available What if your surgery both removes from the body and adds to the body? Is this a good date? Behind -the-scenes-helper. - Transiting Moon conjunct natal Venus I have a plate on the tibia & fibia & screws on both ankles. Im looking to get a cosmetic surgery done soon. Lucky planet Jupiter is touring your zodiac from May 10 to Oct. 28 part of a transit that . Harvest. 9th January 2019 before 1:30 Pm can be considered. According to the Health Predictions 2022 for Gemini natives based on Vedic Astrology, at the beginning of the year, Mercury will be in the eighth house in conjunction with its lord. Gut related issues are common for those born under this sign, but they are also said to be wise and have a strong sense of intuition or gut instinct at the same time. Our health, and the health of our loved ones, must always be in priority. I am 59 years old. Chaturdasi. - Medical Astrology by Eileen Nauman NO! My friend is scheduled for knee surgery Oct 7, 2020. I am looking to have foot surgery on November 23, 2020 which is a Monday. A wedding? Monthly . Keep up the good work. 9845537525, I am going for Laser surgery of my eyes on coming Tuesday or Friday i.e. Avoid surgery on Halloween when people come to work in costume and want to have fun. Fortunately, we can look to astrology for when these might be. Astrology-Approved Best Days to Do Everything in 2021 . As you know, the Health lunar calendar contains some unfavorable days for any serious procedures. Mary Selfridge. Interestingly, there will not be planets in retrograde from Jan 22 Apr 21 in 2023, a good time to move ahead this spring with few obstacles in your path, Jupiter is retrograde once a year for about 4 months, or 120 days: Thanks in advance. There is so much that goes into an Astrology Reading, it is complicated but at the same time is very rewarding! This is the time for surgery to remove something from your body, such as a tumor or extra skin. We eloped on September 19 and it was AMAZING! Current & Upcoming Transits. Thank you. This is a happy day for everyone, as Jupiter, the planetary giver of luck and abundance, moves into fertile Pisces, one of his home signs. Start New Projects January 20 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn or Aquarius? I have to undergo a wisdom tooth removal surgery. March is only a so-so month. 3. 21-31 october. When considering when to have surgery, there are sometimes that are naturally a lot better than others and other times we definitely need to avoid. Your email address will not be published. Avoid scheduling surgery on the Monday morning after a holiday when hospital staff could be hung over from the weekend, or not yet in their weekly rhythm. Astrology plays important role in undergo surgery. Many times, we do not have the luxury of having a choice when it comes to surgery! If you can schedule your surgery to avoid Mercury retrograde dates, then do so. If you know your chart, schedule your yearly forecast. Just be sure to avoid the full Moon, and the 3 days before and the 2 days after the full Moon. All Rights Reserved. Taurus rules thethroat, including neck, vocal chords, and thyroid gland. Hi..My mother requires a cataract surgery to performed during Feb 2019.What will be best time for the same..her details are..16/01/1945, 04:25 am,new Delhi..thanks, I have to do my dental implants can u please suggest a nice date in month of feb 2019. My doctor is available and has given 2 dates July 17 2020 or august 12 2020 Very easy to understand. September 2022: Favorable. Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio is good and 16th January can be considered. Though, of course, this may bring its own dangers. Many Taureans often have a thick-set neck and they usually have mellifluous voices and make wonderful singers. The very most important new beginnings such as Incorporation Dates, Wedding Dates, Employment Dates, and Surgery Dates should hand-chosen especially for you. It is said that the Yellow Emperor Calendar was created by the Yellow Emperor, thus the name Yellow Emperor Calendar. THE MOON. Pluto: Die on the table, resurrected, die and hopefully resurrected again, 5When the Moon is in the Zodiac sign ruling the organ or body system, and when the Moon is in the opposite sign, 1 - Aries head, face, brain, eyes Good to know, or not????? My birthdate is 9/19/1951 Once you know all this information, get an in-depth astrology reading. Would you please be so kind in telling me if I should have the Surgery that day or Cancel it. Virgo rules digestion, intestines, and spleen. Dear Sir/ Madam, 2 Avoid surgery when transiting moon is square or opposite or in conjunct with natal or transiting sun or mars or Saturn. Thanks. You should note that your ailment can get worse if you have fallen ill on certain Nakshatras viz. i have surgery scheduled for April 7 2021, i am thinking of switching to the 12 or 15th of april 2021. The Importance of Numerology in Marriage The most important surgery tip is to avoid the full Moon! preparing for it. This site is not only for getting to know about your horoscope and future predictions but to also learn astrology in the simplest way possible. I highly recommend click astro and now it is the only astrology service I use. Aries is the ruler of the head, face, brain, and eyes. The Secret of Successful Business using Number of Fortunes The date is after Venus becomes direct and auspicious for getting good results. This will likely manifest most obviously . which began December 19, 2021, and continues until January 29 . People do not hemorrhage as much, bruise less, and swell less during Last Quarter Moon to New Moon vs. Full Moon to Last Quarter Moon. You always need to know the quality of the day itself PLUS your ever-changing personal cycles to leverage Right Timing. If the patient is to remain conscious during the procedure, he . Few people have their mind on work during the couple of days before Thanksgiving or Christmas. My Doctor wanted to do it early, I held, off for the date that Bree mention. Nakshatra is Anuradha I have chosen the following dates: July 13, July 22, august 10, august 13, august 20, august 19, and august 17. Correct date scheduled is 07.09.2021 (incorrect Date of 02.05.2021 stated in Previous email). It was one of those days that everything just works out just in time and almost miraculously. Let me know the date or choice of dates from your doctor, or a window of time (month or two) you have in mind for your surgery or event, the location where the event will take place, and please include your birth date, place, and time. The Moon changes signs every two to three days. For example, 2, 5 and 27 lunar days are some of the best for haircuts, and 1, 4 and 28 considered unfavorable. I wanted to ask if during Venus going direct in a few days untill Dec. 17, would cosmetic surgery be advisableI understand it is not during venus retroI thank you soooo much ..hope to hear from you soon. So if your surgery is during Mercury retrograde, allow enough time to get to your surgery appointment, and plan to arrive early. I do most dental work during the Gemini Moon. Read on to learn more about each sign & what part of the body each sign represents below. Ive tried to avoid the full moon and also take advantage of when swelling would be at its lowest. It can be a nerve-wracking time trying to decide when would be the best time, what would enhance our recovery by choosing a certain time & date, & that is if we have a choice! Create your environment to help you heal when you return from the hospital. Please let me know if any of those dates are good. A day where moon is Void Of Course (VOC) is not good for surgery, as there is a chance that operation might not be done successfully or may result in additional operation. - Traditional Medical Astrology by Oscar Hofman, To know the Energy Exchange for electing auspicious dates, and how to formalize your request, Next:A Selection of 15 Sayings in Astrology. No need to focus on negativity, obsess or overthink. Mars retrograde ended on Jan 12, 2023 so is no longer an issue this year. Results. Although the full Moon days can be exciting and fortunate for many events, just not surgery. Be sure to have soups and broths prepared to eat during your recovery. Same for the day after St. Paddys Day, or April Fools Day, that can be problematic because workers could be tired from celebratory activities. I am confused. Lab reports could be misread, wrong tests administered, redo surgery etc. Astrologer and author Lisa Stardust breaks down the key dates to be aware of, the events that might affect you, and how to use the knowledge to shape your year in a positive way. <- Details in Forecast Video. Time: 18:43 About Chinese Almanac Calendar (Tung Shing) Chinese Calendar, developed from Chinese Lunar calendar, is a perpetual calendar with daily auspicious and inauspicious events. Any suggestions or is the 9th a good day? Make Bank Deposits Mutable Moon signs are fast and easy. thank you 16.01.2020 03:55 Rafael Hello. Its when you COMBINE BOTH that you can get the help you need from the Universe. During recovery you have time to read, so heres the link to my books. These organs are more sensitive when the Moon is . Astrological experts provides auspicious days or luckiest dates to move to a new house in year of tiger 2022. The full moon is also not good! I am wondering which of these dates will be ideal. Website: As you know, the Health lunar calendar contains some unfavorable days for any serious procedures. Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, fingers, lungs, and nervous system. All dates are good for getting success in your work. The energy of the Moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, so its worth a look at the Health lunar calendar when choosing a date. But for a big life event such as a business launch, schedule your event . Year 2011 Astrology Free. So the 9 days of the waxing Moon are the time for surgery to add (not remove) something to your body, like a new hip, heart valve, dental implant, or a breast implant for a cancer survivor. Thanks, @Barb ~ Thank you for contacting me! Universal Days alone are not enough. Ever wonder why some things work out that shouldnt, and other things dont work out that should? The difference is TIMING! Lastly, we also need to look at the Sun and the Moon, as well as the planet that is linked to the part of the body that we are having surgery on. So, do not plan surgical operations on it. Im planing to have a revision rhinoplasty using also a rib graft, what means a part of the rib will be taken. Sept 4 Dec 30, 2023, Saturn is also retrograde once a year for about 4 months every year: March 2022: Favorable. Do an autumn cleaning if you missed spring cleaning in May Snake month. Youve avoided the full Moon days, know the lunar cycle to add to or remove from the body, and understand the Moon sign. Moon phase: there is a waning and waxing moon, as well as a new moon and a full moon. Can you tell me some dates? As per Indian astrology, certain combinations of tithi (lunar day), nakshatra (stars) and vaar (week days) are considered auspicious and therefore ideal to perform certain activities or start something new. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Its well known never to have surgery during a full moon & 3 days after also, because of the issue of bleeding more. Capricorn rules the skeletal system as well as the teeth, knees, and joints. Learn more about getting your own personal cycles here. Your life in 3D: culture, style, romance, money, real estate . I am Planung to have Laser surgery. Time. January 14: The first Mercury Retrograde of 2022 begins. Guts processing nutrition and waste physically, and metaphorically being the last of the I/ME signs, the transmuter of the ego into service to others. month. Worst Days are not equally bad either. I am having right foot surgery. Fixed Moon signs are slow and steady. If you have any sort of sensitivity to loss of light in winter (SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder), it will be easier to keep your spirits up when there is more light outside. The parts of the body associated with Virgo are the digestive system, intestines, stomach, and spleen. Even elective surgery can be one of the most important decisions that we have to make. 2023 USA Horoscope Predictions Prepare for a Economic Crisis!. Following are some Panchanga guidelines useful in choosing the right time for medical treatment. Though the digits in Astronlogia - Numerology, Astrology & More! Most events, especially surgery, are better in warmer months. All planetary information on Lunar Living is based on Tropical computations (aka Western Astrology). Worst days are indicated in Gray. And no weddings during Venus retrograde! the surgeons hand will also be stable. The new Moon is as far as possible from the full Moon. Wishing you good fortune as you follow lunar cycles! Therefore, when planning surgery according to the Moon, exclude such days at first. Rest the day or two before surgery, not running on empty before it begins. Daily. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Organize your home, especially the room where you will rest and recover after surgery. Know the exact surgery location if its different from where you usually see your doctor. 2021 will not be as traumatic as 2020. Buy Gas. Apologies for the mistaken Date for the First surgery! So remember, no surgery on the day of the full Moon, or during the 3 days before or the 2 days after the full Moon, to avoid swelling, bruising, and complications. Weekly. All Rights Reserved. If your surgeon does not have a steady hand, get a new surgeon! 06 /13 Leo. Cardinal Moon signs are good for accomplishments. Planetary relationships may also be considered. July 8 2021 is the best date. Muhurta for Surgery or treatment: As it is said "Well begin is half done" so any work started in auspicious time adds to success. If you are interested in following a lunar calendar, I recommend the WeMoon calendar. May 10: Mercury Retrograde is back, and it's in Gemini. What Is The Importance Of Good Marketing For Home Service Businesses? Do not be on the south side and avoid taking alcohol and non-vegetarian on this day. Surgery for Gallstone has to be done for my wife ( Sagittarius born on Tuesday in Kathmandu, Nepal). This astrology calendar outlines all of the major astrological aspects for 2023, helping you plan for the year! DO these on Best days (IF your personal stars agree), try to avoid doing on Worst days: Meet New People Morristown, New Jersey USA /Morris County 5. Star-Timer, Love-Stars, and the name Magi Helena are registered trademarks of Dancing Star Corp. How to use Star-Timing in day-to-day life. Mutable For exploratory surgery She mentioned that If I did it early then, there might be a problem with infections. A Duke University study published in Quality and Safety in Healthcare in 2006 found that those undergoing surgery between 9 a.m. and noon had the lowest incidence of anesthetic-related . The report suggest remedies which is very good. Star Predictions. However, you will have to work hard and surmount quite a few professional obstacles . Favorable lunar signs for surgery are Earth signs Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. Learn how your comment data is processed. What days after that in November would be good for me? Id love to help but it honestly takes your whole astrology chart! If you found this post helpful please share, others may also find it helpful! Regards Updated Mar 1, 2023 by J McCaul. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Best and Worst Days are one important factor in choosing the most powerful daysand avoiding the most damaging days for your important new beginnings. Best time to have operations/surgery based on astrology. Medical astrology deals with the influence of astrological factors on health, ailments, and curing. 2022 is a time that will bring big love to everyone - after we get through the first two months of the year. Gemini rules thelungs, including the shoulders, arms, hands, and nervous system. I am having a plastic surgery next week. Both dates are not good astrologically and should be avoided. *The ONLY way you can useStar-Timing to harness the power of the stars is toALSO use your personal cycles. Is that good dat if not when? She, worked on it and came up with two dates. Copyright Dancing Star Corporation 2002-2023. What do you think? I am happy with the prediction.It also has long shot prediction. Leo Cap In Astrology. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, coinciding with Aswini, Hasta, Chitra, or Punarvasu are considered the best days for starting medication, especially to cure recurring fever and other diseases. Moon day: is a number between 1 and 30, part of which has a positive effect, and part - a negative. Thank you! Mercury Retrograde This is not the paid review .. Mars especially can cause loss of blood and inflammation. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Avoid scheduling surgery on dates that are on or too close to a holiday. Plan quiet, restful time during the final days of the lunar cycle during your menstruation. Thank you for the postI would NOT recommend having surgery when moon is in Scorpio! Perhaps more than any other sign, you revel in a career win, Capricorn. TIMING IMPACTS OUTCOMES! Although sadly, while there are some particularly lucky people, everyone will encounter at least one testing month. Avoid operation on part of the body ruled by sign on which sun or moon is transiting. Do you want to learn how to read charts and elect auspicious dates? Thank you. Thanking You. The sneak peek Moon Tracks Astrology Moon Signs Guide is a great tool for scheduling your daily activities by using the Moon's transit. 6 - Pisces feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissue. . If the patient is to remain conscious during the procedure, he (and the surgeon) will be more tense and anxious; best to avoid.