If Lazar's story is true, then what was his original motivation? Oddly enough, this isnt the first time Bob Lazar and the sale of deadly toxins have come up. [50][51] The festival started in 1987, but was only formally named in 1991. )[37] He said that the propulsion system relied on a stable isotope of E115, which allegedly generates a gravity wave that allowed the vehicle to fly and to evade visual detection by bending light around it. His role at S-4 was to back-engineer the advanced antimatter and gravity wave propulsions systems on one of these nine flying saucers. This chance meeting later proved invaluable for Lazar. While Lazar was seemingly content spending decades as a small business owner, the police raid wasnt the only thing that brought Lazar back into the limelight. He primarily wrote about Area 51 and examined Lazar's claims. On United Nuclear Scientifics website, along with five-gallon buckets of Aerogel, customers can buy prints of Lazars sketches of flying saucers or custom element 115 Lazarium coffee mugs. Bob Lazar Area 51 and Flying Saucers 2018 - Full Movie A Lincoln County deputy caught the group leaving the area and the deputy ratted Lazar out to the government. In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. His wacky method of transport soon got him noticed and before long he was featured in the local paper. The craft would then cling on to the point. Even the Daily Beast asked, Why did the FBI raid the home of the biggest alien truther?, Corbell and Lazar. (7:21), This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 01:45. In 1985 Lazar relocated to Las Vegas and briefly worked for a defence project in the Nellis Air Force Base. Image: Jeremy Corbell. 3. From these vehicles have come extraordinary technological breakthroughs. Bob Lazar and Friends Filming Test Flight Alien Craft at Area 51 in 1989. AREA 51 (PLAYLIST): https://goo.gl/Pt8MiB RECOMMENDED VIDEO: https://youtu.be/vTBpbKTtsuI E-mail Your UFO Footage: contact@findingufo.tv Subscribe To The Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/findingufo2 READ THE DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------In March, 1989 Bob Lazar took his friends (Gene Huff and John Lear) to Area 51 (Groom Lake) to see test flights of Alien Crafts (Sports Model). . Bob Lazar Area 51 & Flying Saucers - The Worst Documentary on Netflix In the years after his initial appearance, Lazar largely returned to private life. [55], In 1990, Lazar was arrested for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. Who is Bob Lazar? Area 51 & Flying Saucers: Is it For Real? The bright lights would rise above the mountains and begin dancing around in the sky and were seen to be pulling off manoeuvres that would be impossible for any terrestrial craft to perform. The newspaper added that Luis Elizondo, who was the director of the task force until he resigned in 2017, believed that objects of undetermined origin had been retrieved for study by the Pentagon. Of course Lazar claims that records of his academic achievements have been wiped clean by the government in an attempt to discredit him, but Lazar has also failed to correctly name any professors working at the universities at the time he said he was there. Lazar says that two law enforcement officials questioned him on element 115 and a conversation he had with Corbell. Conspiracy theorists suggest that Lazar was under government surveillance, and that this is the latest in a decades-long harassment campaign against Lazar by the feds. Plus reviews of ghost hunting television shows, and the latest on supernatural movie and documentary releases. Journalist Ken Layne states, "A lot of credible people have looked at Lazar's story and rationally concluded that he made it up. This, he said, functions as a guide for the gravity wave, which forms into a heart shape around the entire craft, narrowing at the bottom. "Its amplified by the amplifiers and its channeled down into the gravity emitters and the gravity emitters can be swung in any direction to produce a distortion in gravity.". He was astonished, he said, but he was even more shocked to be shown nine flying discs "of extraterrestrial origin" stored in a hangar. According to Corbell the Air Force had admitted that they had been using this type of technology since the 80s and posted photographs. Upon seeing the photos, a joyous Lazar said "I never thought I'd see one of these again." Bob Lazar and Friends Filming Test Flight Alien Craft at Area 51 (1989 30 years ago today, a man named Bob Lazar first appeared on the Las Vegas television station KLAS-TV in a series of news reports titled 'UFOs: The Best Evidence'. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Bob Lazar Area 51 UFO UAP Flying Saucer Model Kit at the best online prices at eBay! Since Corbells documentary was released late last year, Lazars supporters have become more militant about the accusation that the FBI improperly raided United Nuclear to recover element 115. There, he had read documents indicating the existence of ongoing research on an "anti-gravity reactor" for use in propulsion systems. "At the bottom of the craft, there are several levels in there. Rajala says doctors concluded Struzl was poisoned and died of "thallium toxicity." Lazar is not specifically listed as a suspect in the murder in the police documents. Lazar and his supporters have been steadfast in saying it was the FBI who spearheaded the search of United Nuclear. Model #576 Kit 1:48 Sealed 1994. Burdened with a revolutionary secret, he had to choose between his oath to his country or his conscience. He may have even been aware that the area around Papoose Lake was heavily protected and therefore chosen to set his fictional S-4 base there. This type of technology would have been very advanced for the 1980s and its existence has never been proven, until recently. [2], In 1982, Lazar worked as a technician for a contractor company that provided support staff to the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, within the Los Alamos National Laboratory. CLICK HERE., But now, 30 years after initially talking about Area 51, Lazar and United Nuclear Scientific have become part of a new and unusual situation that conspiracy theorists claim is tied to element 115. George Knapp at a swimming pool. He added, "I tried to explain this to people so many times and they either didn't believe me or say 'yeah, I'm sure there is'." Mankind has always looked to the skies for answers, and we have wondered if we are truly alone in the universe. United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies. The FBI was interested in element 115, they say. Aaron Chandler Contributor. Why did the FBI raid the home of the biggest alien truther. In the documentary, Lazar and Corbell discreetly discuss the possibility of Lazar having taken a piece of the mysterious element. This website uses cookies. The film, entitled ' Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers ', was directed by Jeremy Corbell and produced by Knapp. Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers - Vimeo In all, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers is a flop. Of course the thing Bob Lazar is best known for is the evidence he presented of a government coverup of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth and claims that the US government possess recovered alien technology. [3][36] (It was first synthesized in 2003 and later named moscovium. Knapp explained a lot of the corroborating evidence regarding people that confirm Bob Lazar's claims, as well as the S4 base he worked at Nevada desert and the company that vetted him, EG&G. One blogger has another elaborate theory on why Bob Lazar might have gone public with the claims that he did. [2][5] Lazar owns and operates United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies, which sells a variety of materials and chemicals. Stream Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers on Netflix now. In an infamous 1989 interview with Las Vegas news station KLAS, "whistleblower" Bob Lazar alleged a potential link between Area 51 and aliens, making KLAS the very first mainstream outlet. This work supposedly occurred at a secret site called "S-4", a subsidiary installation allegedly located several kilometers south of the United States Air Force facility popularly known as Area 51. Despite the extent of his claims and the amount of information he seems to have been exposed to, in his testimonies Lazar says he was only actually employed for a few months between November 1988 and April 1989, and on a "very infrequent basis". American businessman and UFO conspiracy theorist. His claims brought additional public attention to Area 51 and fueled conspiracy theories surrounding its classified activities. The. In 1990 he was arrested for his involvement with the operation of a Nevada brothel. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Bob Lazar: The Whistleblower of Area 51 January 23, 2023 LUFOS Area 51, Conspiracy, Latest posts, N. America 0 30 years ago, on a 5 p.m newscast, a live interview aired with a man named Dennis who made shocking allegations about flying saucers of extraterrestrial origin. There is a no-fly zone over and around the base, in total 12,700 square miles of airspace is managed. These connected to "gravity emitters" on the lower level, which can rotate 180 degrees to output a "gravity beam or anti-gravity wave" and that the craft would then travel "belly first" into this distortion field. See production, box office & company info, Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation. Bob Lazar - Wikipedia Records obtained through a freedom of information request show the raid was part of a murder investigation to determine whether his company sold thallium to a murder suspect in Michigan. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went . Feature-length documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers landed on Netflix last month, narrated by Mickey Rourke and centred on the physicist and conspiracy theorist (or stone-cold truther,. In Corbell's film, Lazar admits that he may have been mistaken. This is just the first 10 minutes. Although to date, no exoplanets have been found around these stars. He added, "I think these guys had a doll in a small chair, which was similar to what was in the craft." Bob Lazar is the reason Area 51 became infamous in the 1980s and his recent appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast with 7 million listeners is credited with inspiring the Storm Area 51 phenomenon. As part of the gravity-harnessing propulsion, the craft used an element, 115, unknown on Earth, because it is "impossible to synthesize an element that heavy here on Earth. Here are some basics you should know before diving into this unbelievable story. Of course he couldn't tell his friends what he was working on as it was classified, so he told them his farfetched flying saucer story as a cover, which they bought. The basis of Lazar's story was that thanks to his master's degree in physics from MIT and his time working at Los Alamos, he was able to gain work as a US military scientist at a secret facility codenamed S-4, 15 miles south of Area 51. The truth is, he might not have been told where the components he was working on had come from - perhaps he believed they were alien. An exasperated official told us he still had no records on Lazar. I'm known for working at a classified base known as S-4 out in the Nevada dessert near Area 51 and there, we reverse-engineered alien spacecraft and it's changed my life a lot. Perceptions of Lazar have also been affected by criminal activity: he was convicted in 1990 for his involvement in a prostitution ring, and again in 2006 for selling illegal chemicals. Facebook. $149.95 + $12.55 shipping. Public records, Case BK 86-01623, US Federal Bankruptcy Court, Las Vegas. Tom thinks this is the project that Teller put Lazar to work on, hence why he started bringing his friends out to see the Wednesday night tests. In the beginning moments of the documentary, viewers find Corbell huddled in a neon-lit bathroom, fretfully pouring over a series of text messages saying Lazar is currently being raided by the feds. In an ensuing scene, Knapp, a co-producer of the film says, I had a feeling something like this might happen. The climax of the film lays out what they think the raid is really about: An attempt to recover the supposed alien energy source, element 115. They look like a couple 55-gallon drums stuck on top of one another. He certainly did not have open access to every aspect of Area 51. In his 1989 interview, he gave a brief description of how the purported extraterrestrial technology worked. In fact quite the opposite, as we now know for sure that a stable version of the element is very unlikely to exist. "Its changed my life a lot," he says of the time he spent out in the desert. However, electricity isn't the only thing the generator produces. From radioactive ore to ammonium nitrate, a quick check of Lazars scientific supply companys website reveals the business caters towards the exotic and potentially dangerous side of science. The scientist, Robert Scott Lazar, said he had worked in the S-4 section of Area 51, a corner of the Nevada Test Site. Nevertheless, the thinking is that the government wants it back, which is why law enforcement raided Lazars business. Despite this, because the whole range is so remote, so vast, and so protected by the air force and other government departments who are trying to hide their secrets, the public still have no idea of what, if anything, is being hidden at Papoose Lake. Lazar told me that, during that raid, hed heard some members of the SWAT team say this is total bullshitits nothing like they told us in the briefing. As you might have guessed, there are plenty of holes in Bob Lazar's story. Article continues below advertisement Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Well, in some cases that may be necessary. Narrated by Oscar Nominee MICKEY ROURKE - Former Government physicist Bob Lazar made headlines world-wide in 1989 when he came forward with his account of reverse-engineering [42][43] In 1989, Lazar said the seats of the saucer he saw were approximately child-sized and that he had seen alien cadavers of a corresponding size. 5 Things That Prove Bob Lazar May Not Be Lying About Area 51 The police search of United Nuclear came the very next morning after this cloak and dagger discussion, according to Lazar and Corbell. This admission doesn't discredit Lazar's story, it doesn't strengthen it either. Bob added, "There is no wiring, theres no interconnection between any components.