I don't know what the characters are now, but I'm doing a small number of characters and I'm just sharing one study. We're Kimche. The ones that you plug in. So it's thought, oh, well, the same we're seeing the same, you know, pattern where people with Type O are protected from sars-cov-2 possibly. I want to believe it because it's easy, it's safe. It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. You're becoming even more deficient. It's just going to overall improve the way you age and that's going to make you more robust and resilient to anything, you know. The only topic off limits is politics. I use every five days a vitamin D, so it's like a weekly dose because a lot of times these people are severely deficient. That the monoclonal antibody you were talking about, the Lomis. Some notes from her podcasts on the JRE. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? By the way, the studies were with gum, not the toothpaste. Well you're not making your estrogen. Oh, positive. And they're intubating these people and they're they're doing it. Also, as the oldest continuously operating distillery in America, Buffalo Trace Distillery has experienced more than its fair share of adversity floods, fires, wars, recessions and prohibition. Like you get in discussions with people like what am I doing? And that makes it makes all sorts of problems. So but she's going to measure the effects on on, you know, on depressed patients. Well, we, we had ours done just a few months before. That's one of the ways that they there's operations that they do to try to alleviate it and they just cut out some of the tissue inside your mouth and then they also cut out your you could avoid tonsils. Vitamin D is different than vitamin C because it is fat-soluble and can be stored by the body. Vitamin D is effective for COVID-19: meta analysis of 34 studies. This episode, the podcast is brought to you by Trager Grills. And what I do when I'm doing leg work, like if I'm doing most of what I'm doing is kettlebell, but I'm doing lunges and presses and squats and all these different things with heavy kettlebell. So we went to hospital. So so it's only three people were towel me down and this other American. Yeah, there's been sampling where you like you go to like Walgreens or CVS. Steam. Yeah. It's something like I was I was interested in doing it like my mom was my mom had just gotten sick and like, common cold, you know, she had like a runny nose and stuff. I don't remember what it was. This is especially true for supplements and nutrition. It's hard to sleep probably when you're in those. Distilled, aged and bottled by Buffalo Trace Distillery 90 Proof. Yes, sure. And I think it's vitamin D. I think that, you know, so, you know, the vitamin D, like it hasn't looked vitamin E. I'm not saying that vitamin D is going to prevent you from getting covid-19 or it's a treatment, although I am involved in a clinical study where we're going to be testing a very small open arm study we can talk about. You just you get like sometimes when I get nervous, my eye will start watering. Become a premum member and get access to all our member benefits starting at $15/mo. It happened more than once. Much love to you all. So he came up with this machine and what this machine, the reverse hyper does on the lift, it's strengthening the lower back muscles. Pressure is in Tarzana. So clearly, socioeconomic status and other health factors are playing a role. And so there's been there's been two major like strains that have been identified and one of them. I know that that I was mentioning that TB vaccine. Like, I don't think that's odd. There's a formula and in a lot of the studies and coming out of Finland, many of the people there are using are doing the the humid stuff on us as well. And right when it all went down, I was like, OK, one day, one day later, we'll do it. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. Saying that I want people to think I'm saying it's a treatment, I just want to it's a hypothesis that needs to be tested. Like, I want to get I need to like I need a measurable like I need something to measure. You know, 70 percent of the US population has insufficient vitamin D levels, which is considered less than blood levels, less than 30 milligrams nanograms per milliliter. That's interesting because my friend Michael, who got it, his mom who got it, who's in her 70s, is Asian, and that is she kicked it. Without good health, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to revel in the joy of life. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. She suggests the optimal range is a blood concentration between 40 - 60 ng/ml. I would do I would do my yoga or my ballet and then I would run. He was laying on his back and really snoring loud. And so, you know, like another really interesting kind of thing is like, you know, there's so the sars-cov-2 virus is part of a family of of coronaviruses called the beta coronaviruses. Yeah. The stuff is pretty good and I don't feel anything like that's not going to get you high. I mean, this is unprecedented. Cutcliffe, 25 milligrams CBD. I like it. I monitor that are offering. I'm not sure I when the whole thing started, when the lockdown started, I was getting the sauna really hot. Yeah, it's. And now that light, because we you know, now now I'm able to do that more like I feel safer. Dr. Rhonda Patrick | Joe Rogan Experience - Podcast Notes Surely people are going to be looking looking at that. So usually I just kind of scream and wake up and like, I'm like, look, I think someone's going to get me, you know, melatonin totally, totally stopped. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. So I was doing all chemistry stuff, organic chemistry and like chemistry. That's a clinical trial that's now going on where they're trying to test. The weights are actually behind you and it carries you carrying all the weight on your hips, which strengthens the legs without putting a load on the back, which is fantastic. It's doing all kinds of crazy things. But you could wear a towel. Can we can we get into vitamin. It doesn't do much for the common cold, but when you take two grams, it can help. To fully understand how many people living in the world are vitamin D deficient, this phrase must be defined. Cause I take liquid I.V. But like in general, like people have different immune systems. And my friend Justin Moran is literally one of the the nicest human beings ever lived. It is a known fact protein will bind to this vitamin. 220 versus like 50. You know, who wants to wear a mask, but maybe to open up the. But there is some actual legitimate research elderberry like has been shown in randomised controlled trials to like effect know the immune system and lower cold duration and stuff like that, you know. And she needs to be. And then you do that like we did it like three or four times. You don't use this on those occasion. It's like what happens when you go into menopause. But CBD, amd, the company that I use, what I really like is they have a bunch of muscle creams and like, you know, stuff that you rub on the outside of your muscles. But anyways, I had people coming up to me going, I love your podcasts. TikTok video from Pro D3 (@prod3uk): "@Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D supplementation #blowthisup #vitamind #fyp #vitamindeficiency #joeroganpodcast". But the cold shock, you ask me, cold shock proteins, that that hasn't really been measured in humans. No, no, no. Yeah, I know it's stunning. You know, so like I think that's a really cool thing about this, Onna, is that you can get people that are disabled, people that can't go for a run. OK, don't hold me to the month, give me some month or two months. Respected master distiller Harlan Wheatley is in charge and he also makes craft vodka named after him Wheatly Vodka. Today I took a cold shower from home and my son is not there and I did it just because I wanted to have the mood affects the norepinephrine that's been shown to be increased and it was much colder. And, much of the conversation focused on the sunshine vitamin! I was asking him, was it Halstrom or is it. And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. They really are when it comes to things like that. Right. It's definitely not like I'll agree with you on that. We were looking we were doing some research on this. That would be just incredible. SNEP So we we're our genetic report that we have, like we've got one that's like a new viral. A lot. I was I was searching for that the other day. What were you saying? Still, they're still saying and they're still screaming from the rooftops like we can't or people are dying and people are dying every day from everything there are, like you said, testing, too. The second time he was like vomiting and like, you know, you know, I didn't want to like I had my son was sleeping. There's a study this was, I think, Gary, Lorcan, and who's a friend of mine, just he's like the best. And they're secreting they're secreting cytokines and things that age nearby cells. And it was bad. We were taking the human amyloid beta gene and injecting him in these worms, these nematode worms that only live like 14 or 15 days, and we are making them form amyloid plaques in their muscle. And that fixation for me keeps me up at night when I lay down. But this study, instead of doing it from the shoulders down where I told you about the Depression, it was like only 20, 30 minutes. It is. Yeah, I thought I should, but I haven't. I don't know. And so until that was known, I guess maybe the Mayo Clinic, they just thought, oh, vitamin C is vitamin C, you just can take an orally and until like some of that data started coming out, the pharmacokinetic data where it was like, no, it's not the same thing. But if you take it like, you know, four times a day, you can stay at 220. I think it's going to be once a week. So we've been doing intravenous vitamin C and Glutathione and a bunch of other stuff. We're talking about popcorn. I get out of here. And I'll show you where your heart rate it's you had a mountain of data. So, like, you know, Frolick in Oakland don't really go together. And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? And they were there. Vitamin D is one of those nutrients in which lots of people are deficient. So it's like but I have so I started doing I started reading about this stuff and like, I don't want to like the treatments were like Bonzo's. I got ten bottles of water and I just pouring bottles of water because it was just me in there. If you take three grams, it can raise you to 220. So he doesn't believe in you can't wear like swimsuits or anything in this on him. In this clip, Dr. Roger Seheult and Dr. Rhonda Patrick discuss how vitamin D levels might affect the renin-angiotensin-system and how this relates to COVID-19 outcomes. And I haven't done the research, you know, and it goes he comes in and he goes, I've never seen this before, but your cavities are gone. So so basically, when you when your body is exposed to a pathogen like a virus, your your innate immune system, you know, the first line of defense, like neutrophil, things like that are making hydrogen peroxide, trying to kill the virus. And it's like CVS's been identified in multiple studies. At the end of the day, it's an association. But I mean, just like things like REM disappear and the monoclonal antibodies and then you eventually, like, you know, a vaccine will, you know, eventually, you know, be be available. So that is crazy. Like you could never do that from oral. But, man, you know, I think just like got the guy's house I was doing and I was trying to impress them. People are knock on door. You suck. Exactly. Just the conversations you have with people that are into releasing toxins. I'm confident that's a very common phenomenon. I should go, something's wrong. Of course, he's like in the middle of the sleep and it happens earlier in my sleep cycle. One study demonstrated the importance of vitamin D frequency and dosage in randomized controlled trials. And that is why Legal Zoom continues to provide a reliable way for everyone to set up the right estate plan without leaving your home. One of those. So it's the study concluded that they're both the same, but it seems as though astate maybe slightly better, maybe slightly better. L.A. or the California gets worse. And I was like, says, you have to you can't wear any clothes or some suit or anything. You were going to be totally shocked. Yeah. You can. No, no. Percent of patients that died with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient. I don't need sugar. So there are clinical studies, unfortunately, not a ton of them in the United States that are looking randomized controlled trials, looking at vitamin D, the effects of vitamin D on already, you know, patients with covid-19, which what would be great is like giving them to like first responders or health care workers and seeing like, how does it how does it what what role does it play in prevention? There was a study that linked. It's like if you if you see something plus we're doing like kitchen sink. My kids are having drive by birthday parties where they drive by with fucking bounce. You know, the heat shock proteins help with that as you the more the more times you're exposed to heat stress and the more adapted you are, like the heat shock proteins increase quicker. There's a direct formula to between the percentage of humidity and then the increased temperature, the way it feels like if it's at one eighty, but you have ten percent humidity, it's like feels like there is I don't know what that formula is. Enough once a week is enough. You go crabbing, you'll find crabs, cycling, exploring rock pools. It's and it's not only more effective, it's a completely different. But anyways, he's first and the whole point was the first responders, they came and they were just like, yeah, we don't ever sleep. So, like, what if there's, I don't know, the CMB, you know, percentage there, but what if the coronaviruses are going around there? Oh, OK, there's a just look for the figure scroll, you'll see it OK, right, there goes. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. In that case, you might also like the FoundMyFitness podcast (also available on Spotify ), which features many great interviews with Rhonda's favorite heroes of science, exploring the frontier of human healthspan. And oftentimes these vaccine studies are used to kind of test the immune response and like how you're how robust your immune response is because you're you're given a vaccine and there's all different types of vaccines, you know, pieces of an antigen or different types of, you know, ways that you can you can expose someone to a bacteria or virus, but you have a response to it. So there's been studies were like you could do a two minute cryo, whatever the average temperature, it's really cold, minus two for it is something like that. I appreciate. This product is available in capsules also offering 5,000iu and 1,000iu doses. I hope you got some good information on this.