In his book Re-Visioning Psychology, depth psychologist James Hillman described archetypes this way: Let us imagine archetypes as the deepest patterns of psychic functioning, the roots of the soul governing the perspectives we have of ourselves and the world. I love Ludwig Bethovens music. Old man: Tumisu, via Pixabay. It promises to be a challenging and revolutionary time that will turn society upside down. Go to The Mountain Astrologer's website, Shawn Nygaard, Pluto takes about 248 years to transit the whole zodiac and hes been visiting with Capricorn since 2008. It's worth noting that both Pluto and Aquarius have "fixed" attributes. While the reality of what Pluto in Aquarius will look like remains to be seen, intimations of its ingress currently percolate in our collective and personal lives via Saturn's presence in Aquarius. But Denmark was the first nation to abolish the slave trade in 1792. Rather, we encounter a motif as old as time, in fact older than time. 17811785: Serfdom is abolished in the Austrian monarchy (first step; second step in 1848). Pluto will then remain in Aquarius until 2044. Previous Pluto in Aquarius phases: New life begins to form and move toward its emergence in spring. 21. Scorpio Queen Marie Antoinette The Enlightenment privileged the pursuit of knowledge (evidenced by the birth of the encyclopedia, an exhaustive collection of all knowledge at the time) and what we would today call evidence-based learning. Thanks in advance! Its time for us to figure out what it means to be human and how to live together on this planet without fighting over everything. America declared its independence from England in 1776 under Pluto in Capricorn, but the revolutionary war lasted until 1783, ending with the Treaty of Versailles. They cannot imagine a different world other than what theyre used to and dont realise the change that has already happened, is the point of no return. America now will have its Pluto return starting Feb, 2022 - which will stay there all the way until October 2023. To back up for a moment, fairy tales themselves from any culture have a kind of wisdom that resonates at the soul level and often baffles the reasonable mind, especially the scientific mind. Given that the tub of water was like an ocean compared to the size and scope of the fishbowl, the fish preferred the habit of its familiar territory with its accustomed boundaries. (15), Earlier, on January 14, 2016, the television show, A wall featured prominently in the global television phenomenon, Psychologically, Saturn rules over depression, one of the most common symptoms presented in Western culture. ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT ADVERTISE DISCLAIMER . Pluto is a planet of depth. Dark matter was hypothesised to account for the fact that the theory doesnt match reality theres not enough matter to account for how the universe looks and behaves but what if the theory is wrong? It is an archetypal realm populated with animals, darkness, shadows, mystery, wildness, unpredictability. Author: He also standardised the imperial weights and measures in 1305, although they were continuously tweaked after that. In fairy tales, it can hold unexpected solutions to human problems. Its associated with the collective shadow and mass movements, the will to power and the underworld, whether geological, political, social or spiritual. Learn how your comment data is processed. All links accessed June 2022. His poetry consistently embodies an attitude of rebellion against the abuse of class power. The final time Pluto was in Aquarius was between 1777 and 1798. 19. See, The Wall. AstroWiki And you also didnt mention that the Haitian Revolution, which brought about the first free Black nation in the so-called New World in 1804, started in 1791. 4. When the king and queen in their castle, in the center of the kingdom, are unable to conceive a child, the solution comes when the Water of Life a symbol for the renewing potential of the imagination is found outside of the kingdom. The French Revolution is an event timed with Pluto's last tour of Aquarius. Again, this is Pluto in Aquarius to a T - a very real 'power of the people'. Both the French revolution and the US Bill of Rights arrived when Pluto last transited Aquarius in the late 18th century (from 1777 to 1798). Pluto in Aquarius - where does transformation need to occur regarding the accumulation of all that knowledge? This is when we'll get an inkling of the kinds of changes to come (watch the news for Pluto in Aquarius themes). Aquarius is about ideas and knowledge that dare to lean toward idealism. The King was executed at the guillotine on January 21, 1793. We need to stop handing our power over to people who dont deserve it and corrupt everything they touch., Not sure if enjoy is the right description for such a heavy subject but your writing helps me articulate my thoughts to myself and also I learn a little more about astrology. I also like late August 1779 (to September 1780), when Neptune and Jupiter were in Libra, trine Pluto in Aquarius. However, one of the most common phrases repeated in 2022 refers to getting back to normal. But to get back to normal is to fail the art of transformation. As Wikipedia explains: 'The sans-culottes were the common people of the lower classes in late 18th-century France', and they became the radical, militant end of the French Revolution, angry at their poor quality of life. When Pluto opens to the spirit of the depths, to the archetypal realm, real transformation can begin. The meaning of life isnt to be found in the latest app or overblown promises about our shiny new future in the stars. As well as dredging the useless old crap out of the system, Pluto in Aquarius could trigger breakthroughs and new ideas in science. The Uranus-Neptune generation born from the early 1990s will then begin to mature and stand up for their rights. . Now when Pluto goes into Aquarius this is in a completely different energy and area of life that will be emphasized. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius is a generational shift with profound manifestations. In February 2022, Pluto will complete its first revolution in the chart of the United States of America. There is a theme here. The next transit was in 305 329 during the reign of Constantine in Rome. Fear not, humanity!!! With climate change and the accompanying extreme temperatures and weather conditions; economies rising and falling across the globe on a dime; divisive governmental stalemates and the rise of authoritarian rule in many countries; culture seemingly eroding, with the arts and artists as we knew and experienced them being eclipsed by content and influencers; and the power of social media constantly reduced to incessant arguing and conflict with no seeming resolution, the impulse toward a new way of living on Earth seems to ripple under the surface of each path pointing toward the future. Today, we take this ordinary, common fact for granted. It will then ingress back into Capricorn in June 2023 for a final hurrah of a few months before finally moving into Aquarius on 24th January 2024, where it will remain for another 20 years. I love William Blake, a Sagittarius Sun-Jupiter-Pluto, with Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars-Neptune-North Node in Leo. The Wiki`s This was when the Enlightenment reached its peak and the ideas of individualism and rationalism were spreading. As an Aquarian astrologer (with Saturn conjunct my sun and lots of Capricorn in my chart!) Its our attitude and our thinking that needs to change. See, At 90, William Shatner becomes the oldest person to reach the final frontier. Finally, the most recent Pluto transit of Aquarius was in 1777 1797 while Uranus was in Gemini. Pluto was next in Aquarius in 1532 1553 while Neptune was in Aries. (26). See tag - Pluto in Aquarius I don't think it's a secret, people are becoming more and more fed up with being tracked. Youre always in arrears because the cost is projected into the future. Its purifying action brings about regeneration through the destruction of outmoded forms with both positive and negative consequences. In stark contrast to Saturn, Pluto is the lord of the Underworld, ruling over the invisible depths of our lives and the world around us. With its focus on reason and rational thought, the Enlightenment began to seriously question the role of religion and the church in society, ultimately aiming to separate church and state and promote ideas of social progress, liberty, tolerance, and equality. Pluto in Aquarius means the power shifts to the people and society at large, rather than a small group that dominates from the top down. The Mountain Astrologer is widely acknowledged as the best Pluto last visited Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, right as the United States began its first wobbly steps as a nation. See, Living the French Revolution and the Age of Napoleon. Toni Morrison, The Source of Self-Regard: Essays, Speeches, and Meditations, Alfred A. Knopf, 2019, p. 17. During the French Revolution, Pluto retrograde oversaw the toppling of a bloated monarchy, liberating the people. He filled the bathtub and quickly and carefully transferred the fish from its bowl into the tub. 3. During the cycle of Pluto in Aquarius the French Revolution and also the American revolutionary wars highlighted the impact of an Aquarian Pluto on human history. Any threat to the kings power be it a person or even a book could simply be thrown into the murky prison filled with bones and rats. 1783: The Treaty of Paris formally ends the American Revolutionary War. 17. The political left elite are using mind control to divide people by race, gender,and even what people do and eat. Yeah, people are going to be shocked when things dont go back to normal. Pluto will transit Aquarius from 2023 to 2044, spending about 18 and a half years there in total, with a few dips in and out at either end. It also wont go unchallenged and we should see a rising tide of people fighting to overthrow the old order and reject that kind of dehumanising control. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was the time of the French Revolution and within a year of the American Revolution, April 1777 to December 1798. Proud Member of: Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest 2018 - Star Sign Style. Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor in 800, and he codified many Germanic tribal laws. Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044 will dramatically shift humanity's ideological, social and scientific paradigms. The direction for the psyche, and the direction for Pluto, is down, down, down, into the Underworld. Sun-lit clarity and observation was valued over the moon-lit mysteries found in the shadows (depth psychology would emerge less than two centuries later to revisit those missing shadows). In 1041 1063 Pluto was in Aquarius along with Neptune in Aries. Pluto in Aquarius in 2023 to 2044 will bring power to the people, scientific paradigms shifts and revolutionary change. 6. 1793: Former King Louis XVI of France and his wife Marie Antoinette are guillotined cutting out the idea of lavish figure heads. In Sierra Leone, a settlement was founded for freed slaves in 1787. We can begin to see how profoundly domineering Saturns rule is over our ways of life as a culture. by Astrodienst is a free encyclopedia of astrology. The focus shifts from the center to the margins, of society and psyche. Meanwhile, the Spanish were invading the Incan empire in South America in the early 1530s, plundering their gold and destroying their culture. A new book called Count Down, by Shanna Swan finds that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. See, Who Won and What Happened at the 2019 Tony Awards. In all, Pluto will spend between 19 and 20 years in the sign. Shawn is a graduate of the CMED Institute in Chicago, where he studied archetypes and symbolism with Caroline Myss. Uranus's opposition to Pluto in this time coincided with the French Revolution, often pointed to as an example of Enlightenment rationalism run amok. In Russia, Catherine the Great came to the throne in 1762 during Pluto in Capricorn, and reigned until 1796. published by the Mountain Astrologer, 2022/23,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I enjoyed reading this blog post about Pluto in Aquarius. The outer planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all moved through Leo during much of the 20th century, as did Saturn. 1. Pluto will speak of a hidden will of power that comes to destabilize the political world (Capricorn) by its occult action before taking over . The French Revolution broke out during this cycle from 1789 to 1799, as did the Irish Rebellion against British rule. Dr. Desan poses perhaps the most significant question to be asked at such a moment in history, a question most pertinent to Plutos time in Aquarius: How do you wrench the modern out of the old? That being said, because of rigid nationalism, ethnic and religious differences failed to fully integrate. Charles I lost his head in England during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1649; Louis XVI lost his head in France during the Uranus-Pluto opposition of 1793. On January 21, 2024, Pluto will set up shop in Aquarius, uninterrupted, for a. Pluto in Aquarius will probably make that painfully clear. He was a prolific and influential composer, widely regarded as among the greatest composers in the history of Western music. Continuing this theme and going deeper into the Saturnian nature of Capricorn and its hold throughout the globe, on February 23, 2021, Shanna Swan, PhD, published her book Count Down: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race. And in 2023, Pluto will move from Capricornus into Aquarius, from a no-nonsense, pragmatic, authoritative and superstructure-focused sign, to a rational, innovative, more humanitarian and liberal-equal position . This time around, we can also expect upheaval in society. James Watts' improved steam engine revolutionised production. Aquarius is an intellectual air sign that trades in ideas and innovation. When Pluto last transited Aquarius between 1778 and 1798, before humankind was even aware of the Pluto influence, the Aquarian cries for independence, liberty and equality triggered political and social upheaval evidenced by the Revolutionary War in America and the French Revolution in France. But it wont last long. The year 1777 immediately caught my eye because July 4, 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence was declared, giving birth to the strongest empire the world has known to date. Surrounded by time, we get caught and confined in the spirit of the times. While Pluto flirts with Aquarius in 2023, it won't be consistently in the sign until late 2024. It is important to realize that the next couple of years will be especially decisive for the future of humanity and the reshaping of society . Fortunately the Great Awakening is going to take down the, Great Reset. In this way, each fairy tale from any culture (especially your own culture) can be like a small, epic instruction manual for life, like how Robert Bly in the early 1990s used the Grimm fairy tale Iron John to launch what became the workshops and gatherings of the mens movement of the time. PLUTO ENTERS AQUARIUS. We have people born with the most variety of Pluto signs, creating complicated dynamics at the deepest levels of the collective psyche. Woven throughout the culture we see the Old Man, old age, the Father figure, the Senex. For all the oppression that we may experience up until this point, we can be sure that this will be a period of revolution and uprising. First, let's talk about Aquarius. Pluto represents two things: an era and a generation. Center cannot hold: Background image by Bronisaw Drka, Pluto by Peter Lomas, Aquarius glyph by Tanya, all via Pixabay. The last queen of France before the French Revolution, she was born November 2nd 1755, with a Scorpio Sun-Venus conjunction. The point may not be to strengthen the existing center, but rather in Plutos preferred style to descend, to go deeper and deeper and deeper inside. See, 13th (film). This should be a time of unimaginable scientific discovery, for Aquarius is the sign of science and future knowledge. 22. Like the goldfish swimming in confined circles, the Western imagination has been moving in increasingly smaller circles for too long. This climb upward can be hard work, difficult, and taxing. As I write, it's at 26.47 Capricorn. In 2022, the third year of a global pandemic, this certainly seems true. If Pluto in Capricorn means the transformation of social structures, corporations, authority, and the established hierarchy, then Pluto in Aquarius will bring about the transformation of the rules and social norms that bind society together, as well as our ideas about humanity, and how we use science and technology to manifest those ideas. (4). Our current attitude is infantilising and based on the Robot Butler fantasy where you get to sit on your arse and be waited on like an aristocrat (or child). in 1600 stores worldwide or online by (print or digital) subscription. Pluto, the great transformer, can revitalize your friendships in a deep and noticeable way. The total loss of our technology is highly likely, and becomes more likely as time goes by. Whatever happens in the coming years, we can be sure therell be no sudden shift into a liberal and progressive paradise of freedom and equality. The magazine is known for: More information: Following the trajectory we are on, Swans research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. August 31, 2043 - January 19, 2044. The zodiac sign it passes through, shows where all the control is. Finally, the Classical form of music reached its peak in the genius of Mozart, as well as Haydn and Beethoven. Perhaps well see a revolution in politics with new parties that represent the people rather than the ruling classes. You will have to read the fairy tale yourself to get the whole story. All facts of the French Revolution found in this section come from this series of lectures. If we go back to Hillmans understanding of archetypes as the roots of the soul governing the perspectives we have of ourselves and the world, and we hear again the question posed in the New York Times (Why Are We Still Governed by the Remarkably Old?), we now hear an archetypal question. Personally, I think the last 20 years has been the worst in my entire life. More on that in the Uranus in Gemini post here. In this context, I hear Nobel laureate Toni Morrison saying. Medicine and other scientific pursuits began to take precedence. At worst, we could see greater control of the individual and society in a digital dystopia run by algorithms. Fishbowl: Ahmed Zayan, via Unsplash. Assassinations of notable figures occurred. It is the same with Saturn. Problems in the human world are rarely, if ever, solved in the human world alone. Pluto moved through Aquarius from April 1777 to December 1798, a remarkable period of history that included the French Revolution. See, Lois Smith is the oldest performer to win a Tony. Aquarius has a dark side and we are seeing it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. John Moriarty, Dreamtime, The Lilliput Press, 1994, p. 97. It also makes you passive and easy to manipulate hence the attraction to this fantasy in the powers that be., This technocratic worldview isnt going to survive much longer. , Your email address will not be published. More here: Aquarius Myths. From industrial advances to the minting of the U.S. dollar to the French Revolution, Pluto in Aquarius was a time of radical change and innovation. Fairy tales have an archetypal makeup that speaks to the soul in the language of story. Aquarius rules the 11th house which is a very different energy. Jeremy Bentham published his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation in 1789. Pluto will move into Aquarius, ruled by Uranus on 23rd March 2023. As pointed out earlier in this article, certain dynamics the presence of the Old Man, for example, and fertility issues are reminiscent of fairy tales. While the reality of what Pluto in Aquarius will look like remains to be seen, intimations of its ingress currently percolate in our collective and personal lives via Saturns presence in Aquarius. During this period, French citizens. Aquarius isnt as objective as it thinks it is and can get caught in groupthink and fanaticism. Visit Shawn's website at If science is the STEM, fairy tales are the roots, the archetypal roots. We dont have to reject science and technology completely theyre not the real problem. Taken from this issue: On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden became the oldest sitting president of the United States at age 78. We are, like Tom Jones, surrounded by time, which is to say we are surrounded by Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. Perhaps like Toni Morrison (born with the Sun in Aquarius) who, after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature, was asked about her success in writing literary fiction for and about a widely marginalized culture in the US. A breakthrough in some form of free energy would achieve this. For example, the number of people I have spoken with that tell me they cant wait for life to get back to normal is astounding. Pluto's most recent visit to Aquarius occurred during an era of revolution among several countries around the world. Pluto will stop at 0 degrees in Aquarius from March through June, 2023, before a brief final tour of Capricorn. Classical music was less complex than the earlier Baroque styles and made use of clear melodic lines. Most people have some sort of ad-blocker installed. Images: He was not active in any well-established political party. Starting March 23 2023 Pluto will be in Aquarius 21 years, until January 2044! His writing has been published in WellBeing Astrology Guide (Australia) and The Mountain Astrologer. However, the deprogramming of 80% of society is going to be the difficult part. Itll shake itself apart and implode under the weight of its own madness and inherent contradictions. We need real inner change if were going to survive beyond the middle of this century. The 2023-2044 Pluto in Aquarius period will likely fundamentally transform and reform abstract systems of law and measurement on rational, scientific, secular or algorithmic grounds. It can be found at but also all the chart drawings and thousands of biographies. Many things will change over the coming years and we can expect our relationship with technology to be radically transformed, but probably not in the ways were imagining now. This was the era of Independence in the USA, also the French Revolution and a time of sweeping change and social reform. 17891799: French Revolution, andThe Lige Revolution, sometimes known as the Happy Revolution, and The Brabant Revolution. Real change is archetypal change, at the archetypal level. Battlestar Galactica: Part 1 Are You Alive? Architectural Digest 2023 - Star Sign Style. The deprogramming will probably involve massive disillusionment and it wont be pretty. But before you can do that, you have to understand who you are and why youre here. Pluto was last in Aquarius 246 years ago, 1777 to 1799, a 22 year period of worldwide uproar and change - American Revolution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution in England. Zero. When Saturn dominates, he leaves these kinds of habitual patterns in his wake, these same old, same old ways of living and perceiving and thinking we often call normal. In the case of Western culture, the same old (emphasis on the old) now wins elections and awards and tops best-seller charts. From the very beginning, the French Revolution was a social revolution, notes scholar Suzanne M. Desan, PhD. Interestingly, Neptune was also in Aries at the time, and Saturn was opposing Uranus. In the early 1780's Massachusetts abolished slavery. Going back to the tub, he noticed the fish swimming around and around in circles the same size as the fishbowl. Underneath the king was the aristocracy, the nobility, living in luxury, receiving special status before the law, paying very few taxes or no taxes at all, and making up 1% of the population. See, Count Down. 01 Mar 2023 06:34:13 By the 1780s it was moving toward its "Full Moon"-the most awesome one of all. topics. Here, the forest is not just a forest. And it was inspired in part by the French Revolution, especially by the Jacobins, who insisted that the enslaved people in Saint Domingue/Ayiti be freed. Thanks for a great post as always! He prospered as a composer, and in 1782 completed the opera Die Entfhrung aus dem Serail (The Abduction from the Seraglio), which premiered on 16 July 1782 and achieved considerable success. The power of celebrity deepened when Pluto moved through Leo. References: Here are the dates of Pluto's movement between Capricorn and Aquarius: Storming of the bastille: Jean-Pierre Houl: The Storming of the Bastille, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was during the French and American Revolutions, which upended the old power structures of the elite few ruling the many. This would mean that instead of using power over to dominate and control, we would shift to power with to empower individuals by working together in networks. Then comes again to Aquarius from January 22, 2024 till September 2024 when he travels as much as 2. The revolutionaries wanted to remake society from the ground up in the name of equality. Its modern ruler is Uranus, its traditional ruler is Saturn (which never made sense to me). (Note: walls.) Perhaps the French Revolution yielded to two years of the Reign of Terror because the Water of Life dried up, resigning the culture over to harsh conditions and death. For the purposes of this article and exploring the themes of Pluto in Aquarius, the French Revolution provides rich material. If we step outside of the scientific frame, outside of the evidence-based research and all-too-convincing facts, we may find imaginative solutions to human problems. 10. Humanity currently stands at one of the most significant transformational turning points in its long history. They represent the beginning of a new historical stage of and the initial form of a new political culture . But that doesnt mean the theories are correct or that theyll even work in practice. See more below! (21), Lively, well-written articles on a wide variety of astrological It not only contains birth data,