The first two sentences in the last paragraph do which of the following? . In fact, the frame of the opening and closing sentences might bring to mind the word "undaunted." The speaker is confident, clear, and strong in her recognition of the difference between others' perception of her and her self-perception. A strong topic sentence should be placed at or near the beginning of a paragraph. A. carry. E) She realizes that her race and gender will make it difficult for her to achieve her goals. Introduction: the first section of a paragraph; should include the topic sentence and any other sentences at the beginning of the paragraph that give background information or provide a transition. "Resettles in the remote parts of the park, WHERE SALT LICKS ARE PLENTIFUL AND HIKERS ARE SCARCE, the goats will likely regain their natural wariness of people". ;c8"cBdg;Ya\Q&TdabrM3V31~ef. It will ultimately benefit the well-being of the goats, the safety of human visitors, and the park's ecosystem. The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families. Then, draw an arrow from each adverb phrase to the word or words it modifies. (Peace) In the third sentence of the first paragraph, the author mentions that war "has, through the centuries, been recognized by international law as a sovereign right" primarily to? Shahana's complaints in lines 32 -33 ("You'll . He is the, his pupils moral by enjoining particular courses of, wrong, who nerves their energies to seek for the truth, muscles. . In the sentence "Their efforts . The image of Berninis statue functions throughout the passage as a motif that, juxtaposes the realms of the spirit with the realms of the flesh, demonstrates a childs colorful imagination, presents a powerful example of religious faith, contrasts the worlds of art and medical science, conveys a contradiction between memory and reality, 6. Armageddon," at the end of the first paragraph? In the second-to-last paragraph, the anecdote about the complaining husband serves primarily to A. provide an example of how women should motivate their partners to take on more childcare responsibilities B. illustrate the author's claim regarding the value of devoting . B. accept. answer choices. . oh!. .you") primarily suggest that she 16. "), the author refers to Alice Walker primarily to, D. acknowledge the potentially embarrassing circumstances under which she is delivering her speech. In the second paragraph, the sentences "Throughout my childhood . Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. <> Example 1. will not wont\underline{\text{won't}}wont, Which of the following is not an element of setting shared by both passages? The figure of St. Teresa lies limp, as if in a faint, her lips parted in ecstasy,1 her eyes unfocused, lids half closed. <>>> (Goat Relocation) The writer wants to begin the passage by emphasizing the exciting and strange nature of the events discussed in the first paragraph. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired. In the fourth paragraph, the author discusses diseases in wild salmon primarily to E. present evidence that calls into question the benefits of large-scale aquaculture. The opening sentence of the second paragraph asserts that children are right to complain that the material they are taught is useless and hard to remember. Following passage: I remember well the remark made to me once by endstream -Less of a difference between the two Science is experimental in that the entirety of its conclusions are subject to test by sense insight. In the tenth paragraph, the author appeals twice to "our values" in order to A. claim that her family's experiences run counter to shared national ideals. The rest of the paragraph shows that the material is both irrelevant and hard to remember in order to provide a line of reasoning to support this claim; it also adds commentary linking the author's discussion of the flawed material to her overarching claim about the deficiencies in modern educational methods. In the final paragraph, the clause set off by dashes ("and especially . (a) after For #2 I was thinking "fear and excitement as he sits where his mother sat" because excitement can make your heart thump rapidly but I wasn't sure. In the ninth paragraph, the author relates the story of her niece ("When my . Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 13 , would most effectively accomplish this goal? He traveled around the United States and in Europe. Illustrate the authors claim regarding the value of devoting oneself to one's children. MyAP MC .pdf - MyAP Multiple choice questions: 1. In the . . Draw two lines under the conjunctions that join the parts of the compound verbs. In sentence 1, changing "In 2016" to "In a 2016 essay published by the World Economic Forum". Which of the following pieces of information is most appropriate for the writer to include in the new version of the sentence? never helped" primarily serve to appeal to the audience's E. respect for the rule of law: these lines show that the author's parents made a genuine effort to legally navigate a burdensome immigration process. "In the 1980s, a brief attempt to relocate the goats WAS MET WITH PUBLIC OUTCRY". Should the writer make this addition? . (d) since then, Select the word that best completes the sentence. One verb in each sentence is not correct. He does not, perhaps, enrich your stock of, 30 fed by his books, but you are braced as by a walk up, Such a writer is Thomas Carlyle. The creator examines that science sometimes is characterized simply as objectively, yet that . The redundancy of phrase is also known as Anaphora. hb```b````2@Y80`.`IoA,!9gvq1dba&>7NFC,m"^~eNLjY8@{sMr 4p0\;`aL00F]6;`21dm=.6/N',M$Yu,8Xn'oM\y:+9+\nL5GkI_[Y,[f Z@G`9S]pU7e#Qf4ko2 (c)The dog sat by the gate, watching me approach. . When are you coming? It has been well said that the highest aim, which endless solutions may be wrought. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the fourth paragraph, the author discusses diseases in wild salmon primarily to., In the sentence "Their efforts . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following best describes the authors exigence in the passage?, In the twenty-first paragraph, the author's use of the phrase "that isn't really a miracle" advances her overarching purpose primarily by, Throughout the passage, the author presents evidence to support which of the following overarching claims? It is an idle, on his funeral pile, it would be only like, convictionhe makes the object about which we, differ stand out in such grand relief under the clear, so constantly to our sense of the manly and the, truthfulthat we are obliged to say Hear! poignantcajoletribulationbuxomburlyemaciatedthroespathosgalafulsomejubilationelatedobesityremorseglum\begin{array}{lll}\text { poignant } & \text { cajole } & \text { tribulation } \\ \text { buxom } & \text { burly } & \text { emaciated } \\ \text { throes } & \text { pathos } & \text { gala } \\ \text { fulsome } & \text { jubilation } & \text { elated } \\ \text { obesity } & \text { remorse } & \text { glum }\end{array} Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the fourth paragraph, the author discusses diseases in wild salmon primarily to., In the sentence "Their efforts . . Although committed to further reducing the number of nuclear weapons in the United States arsenal, President Obama . (video games) In the fourth paragraph, the author includes a quotation by Einstein primarily to? A. Read on to learn more about creating an effective topic sentence. B) It prompts Tom to admit that he is prone to attaching figurative meaning to characters. Amsterdam (/ m s t r d m / AM-str-dam, UK also / m s t r d m / AM-str-DAM, Dutch: [mstrdm] (); lit."The Dam on the River Amstel") is the capital and most populous city of the Netherlands, with The Hague being the seat of government. Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? I sat next to the autoclave which rumbled and hissed like a waking dragon, as if the hammering of my heart had roused the beast. A. the need to pursue a sense of personal bliss. Disagreement Argument Examples. . The sentences in the following paragraph contain misplaced and dangling modifiers. The author's primary purpose in the first. Which of the following best describes how the author organizes the reasoning of his argument in the opening lines of the passage ("Warned by the disaster . People exhibit remarkable diversity in their development over time. image") includes reflections that primarily create the effect of . The authors' description of the video in the first paragraph serves primarily to. Which of the following sentences, if added after sentence 13, would most effectively accomplish this goal? adroitdastardlydestituteeconomizeunderchargefrugalenrichunprofitablerashsumptuous\begin{array}{lllll}\text { adroit } & \text { dastardly } & \text { destitute } & \text { economize } & \text { undercharge } \\ \text { frugal } & \text { enrich } & \text { unprofitable } & \text { rash } & \text { sumptuous }\end{array} (Bush) In the fourth and fifth paragraphs, the author defends her decision to marry George Bush by elaborating on? 2.In the second sentence of the second paragraph, the repetition of the word "things" primarily serves to. Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. . Her one-piece desk-and-chair, rescued from a defunct mission school, and bearing the gouged frustration of many a pupil, faced the wall. acknowledge the potentially embarrassing circumstances under which she is delivering her speech. . In the second sentence of the second paragraph, the repetition of the (Artificial Islands) The writing is considering add the following sentence after sentence 6: "These inhabitants should leave their homes because they have been destroyed or otherwise rendered uninhabitable from flooding" . (a) eventually Question 1. . color of my hair! Expanding populations of jellyfish are causing increasing problems in many parts of the world. Why St. Teresa, Mother? <> Video gaming helps develop collaborative problem-solving skills that can be useful in the real world. Without photographs of her to go by, I couldnt help but imagine that the woman in the picture was my mother, threatened and about to be ravished by the spear-wielding boy-angel. "In september 2018, AN AMAZING SPECTACLE TOOK PLACE IN THE SKIES ABOVE OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK: blindfolded, sedated mountain goats hovered in the air, suspended in harnesses from a helicopter". . 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement 2052425 2052425 Answer: e. Explanation: Advertisement Advertisement maat2074 maat2074 Answer: not naturally inherent. (A) Inversion of normal subject/verb/object order, (E) Use of connotative meanings that add complexity, effect of mentioning an Academy portrait (line 32) is to, (A) imply that Terry deserved to have her portrait painted by a great artist, (B) suggest that Terry was adept at self-expression both in writing and in painting, (D) hint that Terrys self-absorption prevented her from writing about herself dispassionately, (E) blame Terry for her rebellion against the conventions of art form, (A) responses to reviewers who have criticized Terrys acting, (E) descriptions of characters Terry has portrayed, The author suggests that Shakespeare, Shaw, and Ibsen could not fit (line 46) Terry chiefly because, (B) their dramatic talents were focused on plot rather than on character, (C) Terry was better at conveying certain kinds of characters and emotions than she was at conveying others, (D) their plays were set in historical periods different from the one in which Terry lived. Introduce two different attitudes toward femininity. Marine biologists contend that urban sprawl spreading into the ocean inevitably causes havoc for marine organisms and their habitats. A recent study found that 86 percent of Americans are stressed out from constantly checking their smartphones. Then, use each word in a sentence. "Not all artworks are experiences in galleries and performance hall, however. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? -Abolitionists= minority view was that cancer for America, Nasal/Sinus, Oropharyngeal and Laryngeal Diso, Chapter 6- bones and skeletal tissues answers, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, IB biology past essay questions HL and SL all. "Artworks created by artists outside of a particular community often do not appeal to members of that community because of a lack of connection between artists and their intended audience". . In the third sentence of the fourth paragraph (I sat . Spurred consideration and discussion, exchanges that many stylists chose to continue by hanging prints from the show in their salons, (Art communication) In sentence 10, which of the following claims best sets of the development of the writer's line of reasoning in the third paragraph? Which of the following sentences, if added to the beginning of the first paragraph, would most effectively accomplish this goal? With new chapters on the questions . diversity"), the author integrates Ray Hilborn's arguments primarily to critique the practice of A. adopting farming methods to restore wild fish populations. The second sentence is unified by metaphorical references to . Illustrate a point about the ease of collaboration enabled by the internet. PDF 21. In its characterization of Chanu, the passage conveys the "Real excellence often comes unheralded and from unexpected quarters" (Paragraph 1, sentence 5). In order to strengthen her argument, the author references which of the following contemporary circumstances? English unit 3 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet and the second paragraph challenges the reader with language from the period of the Declaration. (A) They are structurally less complex than the first. The writer wants to start the third paragraph (sentences 10-14) with a sentence that captures what the different claims and evidence in the paragraph .