By pulling any one character out, the whole production collapses. I love Jean but the show is not the same without Craig playing Just disappointing! Then maybe you will get a clue. And anyone can bring charges against More to explore : The Doctor Blake Mysteries DVDs, Mystery DVD, Ghosts DVDs, Thriller & Mystery Mystery DVDs . I agree with everything you say. They will marry as a result of much discussion and reconciliation. See More Details about "The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories (DVD, 2018)" Return to top. It is a remarkable cast, each actor selected for their part is remarkably talented. Saddened Craig has been subjected to the aforementioned allegations. The show can not & never would be the same without him, but big corporations like TV channels are only interested in profits. Without waiting for due process, I feel that it was a bad choice by December Productions to go forward with the series without their star. We will all be out here looking forward to Craigs return as Dr. Lucien Blake. So,, back to Dr. Blake. Now that Craig McLachlan has been cleared, I hope he returns to the tv show. What a shame that a successful career can be destroyed so easily. By Maddy Casale Updated: Feb 5, 2023 1406 Shares. Those in the media profiting off this should either donate ALL the speaking fees to the cause or just be quiet. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is set to return without lead star Craig McLachlan. Im glad the telemovie ended happily with the wedding and honeymoon. April 15, 2018 10:48. by Josie Tutty. His primary accuser is still trying to use trial by media and repeating her not proven accusations in the press in great detail. I love the show. I was so sad when I finished the last. But the rest of the cast carried the show marvolously. It seems to be the way of the world these days. Trial by Media is never right. I believe this is the beginning of what is called jumping the shark (at least in America it is). Why is it that TV station always jump to conclusions and fire their actors or stop production before anything is proven Most of the time it is not true as is here. Please bring back Craig McLachlan! When his aunt foretells a dire fate, Crabtree leaves Effie at the altar. All will have been harmed in one way or another. It will probably end this mans career, even though the investigation found no wrong doing. I have purchased and watched this entire series but am not interested if Craig McLachlan is not in it. Please bring DR. Blake back! He puts his hands on the men to. Who is Craig McLachlan in Doctor Blake Mysteries? The show will fail w/o him and I for one wont watch it. So sad. just as he patted or touched every man. I wonder what is the real story. BRING BACK MCLACHLAN NOW!!!!!? I so agree with you on this. It absolutely breaks my heart for him and for all of us who love and watch the show! Obviously that did not happen. When the local hardware store owner is mysteriously found dead in a hotel room, Dr Blake decides to spend the night in that same room to try and solve the crime. He is the reason I watch it. Pic by James Brickwood. A housekeeper with a secret. That is an important number for the networks. If the media had done a careful investigation and printed only verified facts, the pain everyone is going through would not have happened. I also agree!! ??? Anyone can accuse. No more looking forward to Friday night television. We have swung too far in the opposite direction when believe the woman without proof is the new standard. About as high-profile as you can get in the US entertainment industry. . whatever happened to innocent until proven guiltyy. Why they ever thought they could pull this off without Dr. Blake is a strange mystery. They finally tie the knot after the crime has been solved and they return to Ballarat. This has been done too many times now. Why do you take a person out of his role that he does so well when you dont have solid proof of his actions. The telemovie finds Jean understandably changed: privately grieving her missing husband and trying to negotiate a new life as the first woman elected to the town council. Youre right, sexual harassment is so out of hand. Im also a nurse and any ADULT women should be able to handle herself with men in compromising situations. $1.99. Follow this three-part true crime drama on Scotland's first serial killer and the media circus that surrounded him. In the television show Doctor Blake Mysteries, Dr. Blake is a widower. But I agree that as soon as a man is accused, his career is ended. This whole thing is getting ridiculous. I am 86 years old and I am unfair that we live in a different now, but during my working life, which most was spent in the government, I worked with family men who were gentlemen . Seven first picked up the popular series in October 2017afterthe ABC dropped the television version of the show earlier that year. Easy. They will lose me and all my friends if they carry this out! The Blake Mysteries, formerly known as The Doctor Blake Mysteries, is returning next week without lead actor Craig McLachlan. Dr. Lucien Blake returns to his hometown of Ballarat, Australia, 33 years after leaving, to take over his fathers practice as a medical doctor and also become the police surgeon for the area. I think Crag has captured the hearts of everyone. I cant imagine Dr. Blake without Dr. Blake. ..he makes the show! Following his falling out with Clement, Franklin began writing down his past stories, and Munro took a diary from his room at his death, which he kept in his diary. It was ages before it was finally acknowledged that as they were both disabled, they could NOT have acted as she charged. I am very angry and disappointed that Craig McLachlin will not be returning to the show. Garner has previously defended her Doctor Blake Mysteries co-star, describing the on set atmosphere as the most joyous time Ive ever had on a film set during an appearance on ABC News Breakfast. Hopefully, if they did do an investigation it was through a third party. Start a new slate. Based on a Taylor Swift Song. All of the comments are true, Dr. Blake Murder Mysteries was a success due to Craig McLachlan, he was the show. This is ridiculous! I like Dr. BLake, I watch on pbs in NY. The show will never ever be the same!!!!!!! I know how devastated they were, how long it took for them to even begin to process these hideous events. Will not watch the show without him and think this is baseless. I dont know who the writer(s) was if all of the Dr. Blake show but I would make a substantial wager that its not the same writer. He is laterposted in a London hospital, where he joins the British Army as a medical officer. Weve enjoyed Dr. Blake on our local PBS station/New Orleans. If there isnt evidence then it is outrageous that he has been let go. STREAM NOW. Actress Anna Samson played the role of Wendy Smith in season 3 of Dr Blake in 2014. They found nothing. December 10, 2021. . I love the show and all of the cast, but I wont be watching IF McLachlan isnt included!!! Worth watching. If men just behaved and treated women with the same respect they demand for themselves, we wouldnt need me too. Now the Blake Army has been left devastated by the decision to remove Craig McLachlan as Lucien Blake in this beloved series. Dee Dee allegedly tied Gypsy to the bed for two weeks after she attempted to flee. I cannot believe as he was found innocent why he should be penalised. Seven special was emotionally-charged, and sometimes surreal, as Craig McLachlan details how his life was destroyed by allegations. Can the community built around the good doctor which again features policeman chief superintendent Matthew Lawson (Joel Tobeck) and newly promoted police surgeon Alice Harvey (Belinda McClory) exist convincingly without him? One of the best shows on at the moment. "The scene started normally, however, when the camera moved in to film a close-up of Samson and McLachlan's faces (that is, their bodies and hands could not be seen on screen) McLachlan placed his hand on one of Samson's buttocks and performed the remainder of the close-up scene with Samson with his hand on one of her buttocks. He Always Held Something Back When Casing The Bad Guys. Its a complete injustice, firstly dropped from the show without proof of charges, then secondly not reinstated him after being found innocent. "There is no doubt audience demand for this Australian story remains. Fairfax media and ABC investigated and Maclachlan was found innocent, as the above article stated. I feel the decision was a knee-jerk one, and not backed up by discovery and judicial ruling. Bring Craig McLachlan back to the show, it will be way to strange strange without him. I love this show and cannot imagine it without Craig. If Craig McLaughlin was Cleared of all charges Get up to date reverend, aint no such a place as hell any more. Am glad to hear you think he wont be killed off hope youre right. Advertisers rule our lives. Wow, I cannot believe that women defend men like this. I love all the characters, but Craig plays the lead and is vital to the show. Craig is a Gold Logie, multi-Silver Logies and Helpmann Award winner for his work throughout his thirty year career. When he reached her,he said words to the effect of "I didn't get to say goodbye to you properly", held her face and started to kiss her with an open mouth. But I like to have fun and love the Dr. Blake Mysteries. I can understand if you are a child but you are adults and you can speak up for ur self.You have only made this man guilty before he has been to court, By the way I am a female and I have seen how we can carry on and we are just as bad as men. Say something when it happens. He Had An Uncanny Way Of Setting The TRAP. In the producers minds, it was the Dr Blake world that they were invested in, not the character itself. Dedicated to Craig McLachlan, the Award Winning, Talented Australian Actor, Musician, Composer & Singer. The ABC's defence document details further claims of a third actress, Teagan Wouters, who alleges that when she played Janet in The Rocky Horror Show, Mr McLachlan, who played the starring role of Frank-n-Furter, kissed down the front of her stomach during a bedroom scene and asked her for kisses in her dressing room. What a climate we live in! After spanning eight episodes, it concluded with its finale on November 5, 2017. DR.BLAKE, I believe as well that too many women come on to these lead actors thinking they will get ahead [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] They should have them go to court & see if he get a guilty verdict. Love Dr Blake Mysteries! Oh well. Wont watch. However, it is very much an ensemble cast. When Blake investigates the murder of an exotic young gypsy woman on the edge of Ballarat, troubling secrets bubble to the surface. Loved, Loved, Loved that show and EVERY character on it. I will no longer watch until he returns. A really good programme is aired, one that is worth following, & then its completely changed, or even cancelled. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. This is just another witch hunt. Who do we need to communicate with to get Craig M. back on Dr. Started watching this show recently. Dr. Blake is the reason I have binge watched this show. Men are getting a bad rap its all about money if a woman doesnt want sex she should slap his damn face and walk out if Dr. Blake goes off Ill will Go off when they change characters somehow it changes the The whole show They have done it with a lot of British comedies and I miss the main actors I know life must go on people change but we miss our first characters that we love and enjoyed so much. I agree, Craig mclachlanshould stay on the show as dr. Blake. Created by George Adams andTony Wright, this engaging period drama is executive produced byTony Wright,Carole Sklan, andChristopher Gist. He has always given me the creeps and now I know why. Craig is a phenomenal talent and deserves much better than this. Doesnt Australia believe in innocent until proven guilty? I hope that you will reconsider and bring Craig McClachlan back!? The Doctor Blake Mysteries has been an extremely popular Australian TV show the ABC Australia's number one drama! I am GLAD that Justice Kavanaugh was nit intimidated and fought back. This is a good show. You could always add another episode in which he is found alive, or just reappears. It is abhorrent behavior, whether it is by a predator or a person just jumping on the bandwagon. He spends every free moment he has searching for her, and he never gives up hope that he will find her. I live in San Diego, CA, USA and Dr. Blake has been one of my favorite TV shows. . However, it was later suspended as the producers had to wait for the final outcome of the police investigation, concerning alleged sexual assault charges against Craig McLachlan. The Doctor Blake Mysteries aka The Blake Mysteries is an Australian mystery thriller series that originally aired in Australia on February 1, 2013. Its a good show and the cast is great big unnecessary changes like that are seriously not needed. After teaching English for 28 years and being part of a mixed-gender work environment, Discussions got under way to reboot the series with Garners character Jean, wife of McLachlans Dr Lucien Blake, at the centre. Without Craig there is no Blake Mysteries. She asks questions and people feel obliged to answer them. I will no longer watch dont assume someone is guily before all facts are in. I am truly disappointed about this baseless decision made far too hastily..assumming guilt before any proof! I would rather see some kind of a warning system and counselling and if the behavior does not change, then bye-bye. Thesewomen that make these accusations cause so much upset. Bring Creig back! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. She lost her first husband in the war and still blames herself. The latter never being reported in the press, thank goodness. They have some responsibility. This show is good because of Doctor Blake. I really dont see how the show can go on and keep its greatness without Craigs character . I understand where youre coming from and can understand the desire to support the show. So the first offended snowflakes accused him of being lewd and offensive, why were they on The Rocky Horror Picture Show which is full of sexual innuendos. We see her tenacious spirit and her canny ability with problem-solving, which she's been doing in the background with Lucien for years.". This is sad, disgusting and pathetic. Makes them afraid to come forward and makes it more difficult to get jobs. And although the reports state the police are investigating the original accusations, nothing has been proven as of yet. Wheres the proof? Monica Quartermaine, MD is a fictional character in the ABC soap opera General Hospital. Why bother to produce more when the main character that made the show what it is isnt there. Like so many others, I really like Jean but she is not what people tune in to watch. The Doctor Blake Mysteries. There was no evidence found. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. without Craig? Bring him back please!!! Aside from male teachers theres the female teachers too. will be watching!! Let Art imitate Life, and weave into the storyline a long break, over which Dr Lucien Blake had no control. Very glad he was found not guilty. Im unlikely to carry on watching when it comes back to the BBC. Craig, we want you back!! Doctor Blake Mysteries to return without Craig McLachlan. It sucks! I hope Seven Network and Screen Australia see these comments and before they invest major monies into production reconsider their decision. Hmmm what a curiously curated bunch of comments. As a 45yo Male who had a sister, mother and aunties I never really understood where all the male bullshit came from as like all my mates we were bought up even from the 70s to respect woman. Would you watch Poirot without Poirot? Next ,or maybe its the man in the wrong for expecting you too! She admitted the culture could be a bit like a Benny Hill show but thats a very long way from abusive and harassing. Adams says of the reboot: "We've taken a male-dominated police procedural and turned it into a female-dominated murder mystery series, a Miss Marple or Murder, She Wrote kind of thing." December 19th, 2018 By David Knox 18 commentsFiled under: News, Top Stories, EXCLUSIVE: Seven is not proceeding with more of The Blake Mysteries in 2019, all but signalling the end for the Doctor Blake franchise. Rose Lenore, their daughter, has spoken out for the first time since she was 18 years old. He is very much missed. Since Craig Mclachlan was found innocent of the charges against him he should not have been fired from the Dr. Blake Mystery Series. PS I know you ladies all miss Craig, but how good is Nadine Gardiner?! Ms Wouters played the role of Janet in the 2014 production of The Rocky Horror Show. This isnt said to suggest that the latter is OK. Was Kyle Sandilands auditioning for a new job? Nadine Gardner is a brilliant actress who has won awards for her many stage film and television triumphs. If the allegations are true, hes got to go. A court of law has not found Craig McLaughlen guilty and for this production company to totally believe one side over the other without oroof from tge courts is just wrong. Joel was written out of the series because of personal issues back in NZ. He made the show what it is and without him it is not worth watching. The comeupence of the new commander was a way to let us watchers down a bit gently I guess. Please bring him back ! It would only seem to reason that if no evidence was found & facts dont substantiate the allegations that is by definition innocent. Craig and Nadine..thanks for the roles you played with such reality.. He IS the show! One thing that we find is there is no overt salacious behaviour, it did take him al long time before he even gave Mrs Beasley a somewhat chaste kiss. If your going to kill the show just drop it. Death in Paradise is a British-French crime drama television series created by Robert Thorogood. They work together, balance each other, play off each others character. Has anyone seen Rocky Horror Show? The whole show is indecent the title character has sex with just about every other character in the show! We shouldnt need these movements but unfortunately we do, and will until attitudes change. I too am disappointed that the lead actor who made the show what it is. Thank you thank you to everyone on this site I love the Doctor Blake series and watch it on 2 different PBS stations here in Tulsa. Isnt the name of the show Doctor Blakes Mysteries? Its just not the same. In this case the accusation was ridiculous and making it more difficult for people who are true victims. wont succeed without Craig. It just figures, I got so disgusted with American TV shows and movies, that when I got internet TV and became a viewer of UK programs, well I thought I died and went to heaven. Mar 18, 2022. You might wanna bring him backSay, he was in China, looking for or with his daughter ! I for one wont be tuning in until they come to their senses and bring him back. Do the right thing and bring the show back with Craig as the main character, without him the show will never be the same and I will definitely not be watching it without him in it!! How can this series continue? And then, when they are called out on their conduct they call us liars and accuse us of disclosing their abominable conduct in order to get attention. I totally agree with previous comments. When asked if she would describe the Doctor Blake set as bawdy and Benny Hill-esque she added: I guess, on reflection, perhaps thats how it was seen.. Media consultancy Enders Analusis reached the conclusion by examining the series that viewers actually complete after turning into the first episode. The discussion is important. Of course, no one should have to deal with harassment or assault of any kind, and believe it or not, that includes men. You can have a show where two people finally get married then you jump 3 years and start without the Main Star. I agree that Craig should be innocent until proven guilty but at the moment the media have made this impossible. They have and for that Garner says she feels incredibly thankful. Please keep approaching 7..there really needs to be a better explanation of why this decision was made. I started watching this show just this year and I love it. Can someone from Mumbrella contact me through email as to what happened to my two comments that I just added to this scroll? Disgusting decision, especially as investigation found no evidence of misconduct. Do not think I will watch it. Cast and crew of The Doctor Blake Mysteries have reportedly alleged sexual harassment on the part of Craig McLachlan, shown here in a media call for The Rocky Horror Show in 2014. Coworkers and staff believe in him and respect his work. Im sick of these me too movements. Its ridiculous the man was investigated and nothing came of the investigation he was found to be innocent in yet the production company has chosen to fire him, and hes lost his job, shame on them. It seems to me if Craig was found NOT GUILTY, he should remain in the show. But Beryl you are absolutely right, sexual assessment has gotten way out of hand. False memories? sad. Or Miss Marple without Miss Marple? I love Dr Blake Mysteries. I am sadden to see everyone thinks hes guilty before his day in court. Its bulldust!? Check out the official trailer for season 5 of Blake Mysteries right here. Men are getting a bad rap .Its [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] .If a woman doesnt want sex, she should slap his damn face ,and walk out. 6 Who is the lead actress in the Blake Mysteries? You have millions of followersand we are waiting. Among the citys most recognizable landmarks are the Colonists Club and Lydiard Street. "She's courageous, but she's damaged," says Garner. Get ready to fall for another magnificent month of film and TV! Shame on you for accusing innocent people I possibly will no longer be watching the Doctor Blake Mysteries as Lucien was the main character and this program will NOT be the same without him and I wish Craig all the very best in the months to come. 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